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Can we just take a moment and to appreciate these pics of sleeping Lukey?

okay you can read now

chapter 13; Hakuna Matata

''Sunshine, you can breath now,'' Luke chuckled as he came back to me, standing all awkward in the hall for ten minutes now.

''Oh really? I thought it's forbbiden in your presence,'' I sticked out my tongue and he did the same.

''Don't stand here. Didn't you hear me when I said 'movies', 'pizza' and 'cheap air freshener'? They all are waiting just for you!'' He chuckled once again and lead me further, to a huge living room. Seriously, do all Calum's friends have huge houses and green as a toilet paper?

''Why didn't you bring me home?'' I yelled at Luke to hear me, cause he dissapeard somewhere again. I guess to the kitchen, I could clearly hear that pop sound of popcorn.

He obviously couldn't hear me, so when he returned, I asked him again.

''Well,'' he started as he placed the huge bowl full of yummy cheese popcorn in front of me, with bottle of Sprite, ''if I did so, you two would probably end up in baby making situation again. Or..''

He sat down next to me on the leather couch and seemed all serious now. ''Or was that forced? Did that bastard actually try to rape you?''

I turned my head at him and had to think for a while. Seeing his bruised bottom lip, how he get some hit too, still having the feeling of Calum's hands, pinning me to the bed.. Was that forced?

''You already know I feel something towards him but.. not like that,'' I said instead of the direct answer, but I guess he get it.

''That bastard,'' he clenched his wrists and then made them free again.

We didn't talk after that. Luke played one of my favourite movies, clasical Mean Girls. Then we ended watching Lion King 3, I don't even know why.

That bad atmosphere went away and we started arguing who is better, Pumbaa or Timon, and if we ship Simba with Nala, or if Nala is a bitch.

We had so much fun that when we checked the time, it was already 4am.

''Oh fuck,'' I cursed. ''Miss Hood is so gonna kill me.''

''Hakuna Matata,'' Luke whispered to my ear and I couldn't help it but started laughing again and push him away.  ''Stop, you warthog. This is serious.''

''Don't worry, sun, Joy wouldn't hurt even a fly. Also, you can just sleep here.'' He said grinning.

''What? No! I am not sleeping there! I have to go, Luke-''

''Oh, Braylee Thea Quinn, don't even start!'' He placed his hand over my mouth and pulled me to my legs with him.

We ended in front of some door, and when he opened it, it revealed his bedroom.

''Luke you really don't have to,'' I said when he throw his shirt at me.

''Shut up. Go take a shower and change. I didn't tell you cause it would ruin that awesome mood, but you smell as hell. I could argue who is warthog there.''

I didn't know if I should punch him or thank him so I did both.

Few minutes later, I was done. Only in his huge Green Day t-shirt, I tiptoed to the living room, finding him asleep on the couch.

I kneeled down next to him. He looked like an angel.

''Bray?'' He whispered suddenly.

''Hm?'' I tried to cover how he actually scared that shit out of me.

''Please don't do anything like that again. I don't want you to get hurt.''

His words made me smile. He always cared for me so much. ''It would be better if I fell in love with you instead,'' I let these words slip from my mouth before I even realized it.

For a while, he didn't say anything. I thought he fell asleep for real now, but no. ''Why?''

''Cause you would never let me do such stupid things,'' I sighed, waiting for his answer.

''I don't have to be your crush for that. We are best friends, you know? I am always here to help you.''

''Thanks, Lukey,'' I placed soft kiss on his cheek and stand up. ''Bad thing is that everybody wants something they can't have.''

I started walking away, when I heard him mumble behind me. ''Everybody wants something they can't have.. I guess my something is you..''

I looked at him over my shoulder. ''What did you say?''

''Nothing,'' he called. ''Sleep tight, sunshine.''


I am so sorry for such a short and crappy chapter and for taking a long time ><

We went to Germany again and I got my braces so no time. Btw am I only one who broke one of these ''locks''? (Idk how is it in English, but we call these little thingies locks) And I have them for like four days now omg, I am going to my dentist tommorow, she will think I am stupid shit.

Btw 2, this story will end in few chapters, are you readyyy?

Dominika x

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