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chapter 20 babysitting


''Oh I am so done with this,'' I groaned and turned of the tv, causing Scott with dying Allison in his arms dissapear from the screen. ''I hate Teen Wolf so much.''

I reached for the pack of tissues and got rid of the mascara trails all over my face. I looked like an 50 years old woman, sitting in the living room, crying my eyes out while watching television and eating some fancy Doritos. That's how I imagine perfect friday night.

Once my face only had this hint of gray, which I identified as acceptable, I made my way to the kitchen to get some water because man, I have been screaming and sobbing there for like eight hours.

I opened the fridge, which was so bright that it almost left me completely blind because I was too lazy to turn on the lights before.

When I closed it again with the Fiji bottle in my hand, I had to smile at the pinned ultrasound picture of Michael and Dominika's baby. It should be born in December. Now, it was August.

I sighed as the memories of last year popped in my head. One year since I came back to UK.

After that happend, me and Ashton had some pretty hard time, when we almost ended breaking up. But few weeks later, things got better and pretty soon, we moved into our own house. I tried everything in my power to do what I promised myself in the airplane. That I will forget. And in the end, I succeeded.

But even with that, things weren't always perfect. But life isn't perfect, right?

So we just kept living. Me, Ashton and our puppy Felix, in our own house, somewhere in the Mayfair in London.

''I hope we will have some little guy like that together too,'' my boyfriend hugged me from behind as he placed a kiss on my cheek. I smiled at his words, but they also left this knot of uncertainty in my stomach.

''Me too,'' I whispered cause he was obviously waiting for my answer.

''Really?'' His hot breath on my neck made me shiver.

''Uhm,'' I simply nodded as I turned around to face him.

''If that's so,'' his face changed to innocent one, ''why don't we go upstairs and make some cute little babies?''

''Ash!'' I punched him as I started laughing.

''I am just kidding,'' he kissed me quickly on my lips, then lifted me up by my thighs.

''Let's go sleep? After you throw such a tantrum on poor Scallison, you must be tired,'' he chuckled as I frowned at him, but still wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. And got another kiss on my nose.

I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder as he carried me upstairs.

Once we were under bed sheets, I cuddled to his side with his arms still holding me close. We were quiet for few minutes, just enjoying this moment. We would probably stay like that much longer if my phone didn't start beeping as crazy, with tons of notifications.

''What the?'' I frowned as I separated from Ash and saw maybe 124 instagram notifications saying: ‚''@calumhood liked your photo''. Oh not you again.

''Who is that from?'' Asthon laughed. If you knew..

''Just a friend,'' I laughed back, but he didn't care anymore. Uff.

I noticed Calum's profile pic then. It was him, kissing some girl's cheek. Since I am curious shit and stalker, I wanted to know who that is. Purely from curiosity, okay?

That's when I saw dozens of photos with his new girlfriend, Aspyn. The biggest bitch that ever lived. So, they are dating...

I sighed as I locked my phone and put it away. ''What's wrong?'' Ash asked me as I just sit there.

''You know what,'' I turned my head at him. ''I just changed my mind.''

He gasped as I got on top of him and kissed him passionately. He acted surprised, but then deepened the kiss as his hands went lower and my fingers tugged on his curly hair. Soon enough, air in the room got pretty hot, as the atmosphere.

With Ashton, it always felt like first time. Surprises and all these new feelings. But mostly, tons of pleasure. Oh damn, he was so good at this.


I woke up without any warning in the middle of night, only wrapped in the blanket. I turned to my side to see Ashton sleeping peacefully next to me.

Then I heard it again. The doorbell.

I was confused. It was like 3 am, who could it be?

I got up to my legs, but stopped afterwards when I realised I am completely naked. I throw on some huge shirt and shorts and tiptoed downstairs.

I wasn't thinking straight, because if I did, in the first place, I wouldn't go open the door at freaking 3 in the morning to someone who knows who. But, I did.

My hands and legs were shaking when I reached for the door handle, but the feeling was nothing compared to what came afterwards.

It's funny how you think you're doing fine, but then one little thing reminds you of the past and it all comes back and slaps you in the face.



finished: 18/10/15 6:18pm

(there's a sequel > NEIGHBOUR)

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