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chapter 10; My ''lovely'' girlfriend


''Back at school''

I heard a guitar from my house. It was weird, because I live alone.

''They all thought I was an outcast car crash''

I came in and my feet lead me to the kitchen. I poked my head from behind the corner and saw Braylee's dog Clifford sitting on the floor, guitar in his pawsㅡWait what the fuck?

''Hopeless fool, they said to me''

I quickly sat up, awakened from my stupid dream, and my head hit the roof of my bedroom. I groaned as pain made milkshake from my brain when my eyes catch my ringing phone.

The flashing numbers on my alarm clock said 3:12am. ''What kind of idiot is calling me now?!'' I mumbled angrily and looked at the display.

When I saw 'My lovely girlfriend' there, my anger washed away and smile took its place. I reached out and ended Bromace's song by switching to icon Answer.

''Hey sweetheart,'' I said and waited for the answer. But something was wrong.

''Hello?'' I started to be nervous. Did someone stole her phone? Did something happen? Is she in danger? No one was answering. Until I heard stranger's laugh coming from the other side. It was a guy's voice.

''Hey 'Ashy'. So you are that so-called Braylee's boyfriend?''

''Who are you?'' My anger came back.

''Name is Calum. I am her job and, I think so, your stand-in here in Australia. Nice to meet ya mate.''

''What the fuck are you talking about?'' I said through clenched jaw.

''The thing I am talking about,'' his mocking tone changed to serious one, ''is that I am having your girlfriend's pussy for dinner and also, I don't think it's your name she is screaming while having wet dreams.''

''Shut the fuck up! You bastard, you really think I will believe such a piece of shit like you? You needed a babysitter dude, and you are talking here about eating my girlfriend out?'' I didn't believe him. I didn't fucking want to.

''You don't believe me but you are getting angry. You should be pleased that I told you truth. At least you won't be upset when she doesn't come back from Sydney to you.''

''Calum, hurry!'' I suddenly heard her voice, from a far.

''Give her that fucking phone!'' I yelled at him, blood boiling in my veins.

''Sorry mate. You should've say it few seconds ago. Now it's too late. Just think about this - what kind of girl would wait for her boyfriend for one year while having someone like me by her side, hm?'' He laughed once again, and before I could send him to place where sun doesn't shine, he hang up, and the only thing I could hear was the beeping from the other side, laughing at pathetic myself.

Everything looked so unreal and sadly hilarious right now. Imagine some guy call you from your girlfriend's number in the middle of night and tell you that they are having baby-making together. What would you do?

But I decided. Why should I believe someone I even don't know? I love her. So I will trust her. I will..

× × ×


As I yelled at Calum to come, I turned around to face our new guests. In front of me, there was Michael, his eyes almost burning hole in my chest, and behind him, there were two girls, looking at their shoes awkwardly, which I didn't know.

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