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➳ chapter 11; Party of our bodies

I have no idea for how long we were there, kissing, our lips not separating ever for catching a breath, making our bodies one. At first, I wasn't thinking straight and my mind went completely blank. Words like ''whore'', ''Ashton'' and ''loyality'' didn't come, the only thing there was ''lust''. Like, tons of it.

But with my lips being damaged and completely crushed by his passion rush, deep in my soul, I started to wish one of these clichés like, my phone will start ringing, or someone will barge into the roomㅡ

And at that moment, the door opened with slam and I slipped to the floor and looked at my savior over Calum's arm, which wasn't turning away.

''LㅡLuke,'' I whispered. My voice was trembling. Suddenly, I felt like something is really wrong. I don't mean Calum kissing me, so me cheating on Ashton, but something was wrong with Luke. The way his face changed as he saw usㅡLike one of us was actually cheating on him.

There was silent for a few minutes, the only sound here was our breathing. Say something, please, I send a signals in my head to these two, but they didn't move even for inch.

Finally, Luke coughed and I could clearly see disappointment in his eyes. Why? He knew how I felt.. ''The others are watiting and are not that happy so please, think about others too and instead of eating each other's faces, get your asses there.''

With that, he was gone.

After that, Calum didn't say anything. We ended up going next to each other to living room, then outside with the others, getting into two cars. The first one was Michael's - with Dominika by his side and Luke being third wheel in the back seat. When Calum get into his car, I was hoping I could be next to him, but Aspyn was faster, pushed me out of the way and sat her model ass on the black leather. I rolled my eyes and went to the back, awkwardness filling my body from the tiptoes to my head.

Michael's house was just, amazing. It was in one of these first class neighbourhoods, huge villa, maybe too big for one 18 years old, but what can I know right.

But even with all this stunning stuff and breath taking party, even with tons of people, with all that alcohol and music, I felt like I am alone. And believe me, there is nothing worse than feeling alone in the room full of people, laughing and dancing. Well, maybe pizza with Nutella on it. Ew.

After Michael introduced me to his brothers Robert and Gordon, I was just standing in the corner with cup of tequila in my hand, watching the others dancing with their friends. Michael hugging Dominika, Aspyn getting hold of Calum, LukeㅡI have no idea where. After we arrived, he just got lost.

Then I saw Calum pushing drunk Aspyn away and walking.. straight to me.

''Hey, babygirl. Having no fun?'' He gave me smile which looked even friendly.

''I guess these big town parties are just not my cup of tea,'' I smiled back at him.

''Then I will change it.'' He took my drink from me, spilled it to flowerpot next to us and lead me to that crazy mass of people.

''I can't dance!'' I yelled at him not caring about that loud music, but he just laughed and gave me quick peck on the forehead.

''You don't have to.'' With these words, he put his hands around my waist and pulled me close to him. And more. And more.

And guess what happend. Yeah, as our bodies were literally pressing to each other, he looked deep in my eyes and it was like the world around us didn't exist, like you turn off the volume. Cliché, cliché, cliché.

He leaned down and pressed him lips to mine. We were kissing like that for few seconds, when he bit on my lower lip, making me moan in pain and opening my mouth. As I did that, he slipped his tongue inside.

''Fuck,'' he mumbled after few minutes and took me by my wrist harshly.

''Where are you going?'' I asked him, feeling nervous again. He lead me from the main room, from the other people, now going somewhere upstairs.

He didn't answer me, but knew exactly where he was going. He barged into one of the millions door, revealing big room with huge bed. Oh fuck no.

''Calum,'' I whispered but he cut me off be parting our lips again, pushing me to the bed.

Then, everything went too fast. From mine, his lips moved down to my neck, leaving dark purple marks on it, bitting on every inch of my skin.

I didn't want it to get too far. I really did not. And when I felt his fingers traveling down my tummy, to my tights, the alarms in my brain started yelling at me to fucking him in the nuts and ran for my life.

''Calum, please,'' I wanted to stop him but it came out like a moan, so he got faster.

''Don't worry, angel. I will make you better than Ashton ever will,'' he bit on my earlobe, his fingers going under my skirt, pushing the lace out of their way.

''Get of me!'' I wanted to yell but again, he shut me up with his mouth.

''Don't worry, it won't hurt, I promise. You will like it,'' he whispered whispered and as his fingers slightly massaged on my clit (I fricking hate that word), I yelled at him to stop once again AND once again, at that freaking moment, the door opened, revealing someone who looked like he is ready to beat Calum's ass.


There will be probably a lot of mistakes since I didn't edit this Im sorry

I am so sorry for this crappy boring chapter, my crappy writing, just everything too.

But before that, I had so crappy mode that I literally wrote chapter WHERE ASHTON WAS MAKING SURPRISE FOR BRAYLEE AND TRAVELED TO AUSTRALIA, THEN HIS PLANE FELL AND HE DIED so yeah. I started crying and deleted that.

I am so sick of that heat, we are in fucking Europe, in the Czech Republic where it's cold af even in June and now the tv says we have temperature like Egypt and more than Croatia, Mallorca etc WHAT THE ACTUAL FUUUUCK?!!!!

And because I just can't live happily ever after, I have to go with my bestie to train in three hours since we are going to cottage with our friends (four boys, uhm) and it's my boyfriend's birthday and I hate him so much for that, why does he have to have bday TODAY?! Sorry Alex (yeh he is reading this right now)

Anyway, I think I won't be able to update this week again, since when I come back, we will go with my aunt and mom to ANOTHER cottage to celebrate ANOTHER birthday so yeah.
And next week, I will get a braces. Then school starts. What did I ever do that life hates me so much?


And, uhm, Alex says hi (bitch)

Dominika xx

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