guess that's goodbye

3.1K 72 21



Congratulations, you succefully finished this rollercoaster of mess!

My first finished fanfiction on this acc whuuuut

Thank you so much for supporting this story and for your lovely comments that always motivated me to write next chapter!

I had lot of plans with this story and the end was pretty much as I wanted to so that's great I guess

Most of you know about that but I had this plan that while Braylee is in Sydney with Cal, Ashton wants to surprise her so he get on the plane to Sydney. But the plane crush and he dies. Ooooops

Also, I know that this ending is incomplete. If I was reader and this wasn't my story, I would be fcking pissed

Anyway let's have some facts

started: 5/7/15

finished: 18/10/15

reads: 3.4k

votes: 481

comments: 757 (da fak)

Thanks again, love you all!

Dominika x


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