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hey everyone! so, 19th chapter will be last and 20th will be just epiloque cause i wanna finish it asap .. btw caylee selfie, 1000% real.. lmao i suck (its supposed to be like braylee was taking selfie and calum being shit he is got there too, he is not supposed to be short or whatever ohkay i cant edit dont judge me xD) .. enjoy x

btw im late af but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3K WTF AAAAA


chapter 18; Good old times

Three weeks passed since Joy's death. Three weeks of arriving relatives, condolences, crying, but also strange glances gifted to me. But I didn't blame anyone.

Calum's older sister, Mali Koa, arrived from the college for few days. The idea that Calum will be all alone there with me didn't interest her, so it took a long time until Calum finally convinced her that she doesn't need to stay. So after two days, she returned back.

Michael came with Dominika. And Aspyn. Who completely changed. It was sort of cliche, as when she hugged me tightly when me and Calum came to welcome her, and when her hands were wrapped around his neck, behind his back she was frowning at me. Not that I was somehow surprised. Ever since the first day I met Aspyn, it was clear that she had that thing for Cal.

You may be wondering what about Luke. Nothing. All this time, we didn't see each other even once. Calum said he showed at the funeral, but only for a few minutes to give condolences. I even didn't hope that I will meet him before I return back to England.

And what about me and Calum? We have forgotten what happened at the hospital, and everything that was between us before and decided to be just friends. After all, this whole three weeks we weren't apart even for one metre. My God, we even shitted together.

Calum's teasing and his cock's thoughts vanished, as did most of our physical contact, what screams ''more than friends''. Simply I put card with name Calum Thomas Hood to the box in my brain called 'friendzone'. And yet there were sometimes moments when he, for example, '' accidentally '' kissed me and made another foolish. Like now.

''Ew, what was that for?'' I tried to look pretty much disguisted as I used Calum's sleeve to wipe the wet spot near the corner of my mouth.

He started laughing as he grabbed my cheeks, making me look like a squashed duck. ''I have no idea what you talking about.''

''Oh no you do,'' I pushed him away as he leaned in and stoled another peck. ''Calum!''

''Sorry not sorry,'' he sticked his tongue out at me.

''Just grow up already,'' I sighed and got away from him, to the other side of the couch we have been sitting-lying on, wrapped in blankets like a human pancakes (( ;-) )), watching Mean Girls 2, which showed up to be pretty shitty.

''Whatever you say,'' he grinned as he pulled me back and snuggled to my side. We watched the screen for about five seconds when Cal sighed. ''Let's turn this crap off and do something different.''

''Agree.'' I reached for the remote control and turned the tv off. At that moment, the room fell into the complete darkness since the screen light was the only one here. ‚'Ugh. Wait here, I am gonna turn the lights on.''

I wanted to get up when he reached for a blanket, which I had wrapped around my feet, causing me to fall backwards, right onto him. ''Calum what the hell!''

''Just leave it. I like it like that.'' I felt his hot breath on my neck as he talked. I realized that I was too close and I get to my spot again.

We happend to be quiet for what seemed like forever, until Calum decided to destroy it. ''You know what I really like?''

''Hawaiian pizza.''

''Yeah but other than that—‚''

''Happy meals?''

''With extra happy but no! I mean—‚''


''SHUT THE FUCK UP BRAY! I wanted to have a moment gosh, but now when I say it it will seem awkward.''

''Come on, I was just teasing you. What was that?'' I cuddled to him in the dark. He jumped little bit when I touched him, but then calmed down.

''I—Fuck—I really like late night talks with you.'' He whispered, looking down, ashamed.

''Seriously, that's it? Cute. And there is nothing wrong about that! Carry on.''

''You know, I have thought about you a lot lately. In two weeks, you will return back to London and what am I gonna do then? Like, I know we fight a lot etc but still, you mean so much to me. I know what douchebag I was towards you. And when I got drunk and almost fingered you—Uhm—I am really sorry about that.'' He stopped talking so I guessed he wanted to hear some feedback.

''Well, it's true that you act like a girl on her period sometimes. You're confusing af.'' I laughed, trying to ignore the ''fingered you'' part and being worried where is this going.

He laughed lightly. ''Yeah. You know, I really wish you could stay any longer. Even if you can't. But.. more than anything, I want you to be thinking of me too.''

''Aw Cal, I am thinking of you!'' Shit.

''Bray, you know what I'm trying to say.'' He held my hands under the blanket and I had to force myself to not push it away. ‚''I keep thinking of how much I love talking to you, how good you look when you smile, how much I love your laugh. All this time, I keep replaying our conversations in my head over and over again, laughing at how funny things you said or did—‚''

''Calum, stop,'' I whined, but he didn't listen.

''What I am trying to say, I really like you, Braylee Thea Quinn. I like you as a friend, I love you as my best friend. And with this confession, I wanna tell you that I respect and know that your love is not here. I just wonder what will happen the next time we are together and even though neither of us know what the future holds, I know one thing for sure – you are the best thing that ever happend to me greenbean.''

''Bullshit,'' I totally ignored his confession and looked away.

But he didn't seem to care. ''I am gonna move on and stop being so lovey-dovey with you. Cause I know, if I did not, it would be much harder to let you go.''

You must be confused, right? At first, we hated each other, arguing and being pervert all the time. And now we are acting like we knew each other whole life. Well, I found out that you don't need whole life to it. To find someone like your soulmate, other life. Sounds cheesy, right? I know. But these three weeks changed everything. Still hate him tho.

Anyway, days were passing and we were closer and closer. Sometimes Michael showed up, with Dominika, or not. And I didn't like these days, he was getting too clingy then. Ew, that Smurf. But nothing about Luke. Like he vanished.

Still, we were having a really good time all together. And even Calum and Aspyn were getting more and more close. There was still this little drop inside me of jealously, but I moved on too. Now, everytime I saw them together, it just remind me how I miss Ashton.


He didn't call or text since that day I was at Luke's. I just hoped nothing happend.

He was still supposed to wait for me on the airport.

Which was tommorow.

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