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chapter 14; We stick to each other

Song for this chapter: All of me - John Legend (i fuckin luv that song)

The ringing of my phone woke me up. I groaned as I pushed it away and turned to the other side. And got pretty confused when my nose touched the warm skin.

My eyes opened wide and saw someone's chest, pressed right to my face. I also felt arm, wrapped around my waist, so hard that I couldn't move. I tried to get away, but all I get was a disapproving mutter. ''Luke,'' I cried. ''Luke, move, I can't breath!''

''Bray shut up, it's like, midnight. Let me sleep,'' he mumbled in that raspy morning voice, which I just can't help myself but found so attractive, but not now, cause I was basically dying right there.

I took all of my strengh and pushed him away from me, with my legs helping too. It worked and much better than I expected, when he fell from the edge of the bed and you could clearly hear his booty hit the floor.

''Aw, why did you do that?'' Luke's head appeard after a moment. His blond hair were messy as hell and he looked pretty hurt. Like a puppy on the street. In the rain. In the worst winter day.

''Few more seconds and you would become a murderer. Be glad, I helped you to escape jail. For now.'' I sat on the bed with crossed legs, watching his face with grin growing on my lips.

''Ha ha ha,'' he laughed ironically and get on his legs. I am gonna be honest here, my hormones went little bit wild when he revealed his almost naked body in all its glory.

I washed all these thoughts away and tried to cover my now red face. ''Uhm,'' I coughed. ''Why you were here anyway, hm?! I can clearly remember you saying that you are going to sleep on the couch. And from my point of view, this is not couch.'' I raised my eyebrows, waiting for the answer.

He gave me that ''i-am-super-angel-and-i-have-no-idea-what-are-you-talking-about-god-bless-me'' smile. ''Oh well.. I heard you screaming so I ran here and you were probably having a bad dream. You were calling your dad. And.. I am sorry, but I didn't want to wake you up. So I laid here next to you and hugged you and you stopped. But everytime I let go, you throw that tantrum again so I happend to fell asleep then. Are you mad?'' He finished with a guilty look.

I just smiled at him and got on my legs too. I came closer and gave him quick hug. ''Thank you, Lukey. Now get dressed, I will make you the best breakfast ever.''

''And what about you?'' He stopped me before opening the door.

''Ugh.. I will just wear my clothes from yesterday.'' ''You are not wearing these things Calum laid his fingers on in my house.''

''So what, am I supposed to just walk around naked here?'' I laughed bitterly.

''Well, that could work too, or you can just wear Alisha's clothes. She left something here.'' He pointed at the near closet and when I opened it, my eyes caught black floral dress. I took it from the hanger and then it hit me. ''You have a girlfriend? Oh my god, if I knew that I wouldn't stay here-''

''Ex girlfriend,'' he corrected me with a smile, but I could tell it was fake.

''What happend?'' I asked him.

''She cheated on me with Calum.''

Okay, I didn't see that coming. I just stood there in mind blown, not knowing what to say. So I just went with, ''Oh.''

''Go change,'' the smiling himself pushed me out of the room and closed the door.

Few minutes later, I was in the kitchen, preparing the breakfast for both of us. The dress looked little bit baggy on my body. Ugh, Alisha was clearly much taller than me and had these right girl curves. Then there was me, looking like an asparagus.

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