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chapter 6; "I was wrong, Calum.''

When I woke up next day and checked the time, it was still 7am. That meant Miss Hood was already working. I didn't really see her around that much. It was weird. When I started here, she told me she leaves for work at 8, but then she always dissapeard at 6, without leaving a note or saying anything. But I guess that's not my bussines.

I got up and went straight from the room. I walked downstairs and stopped afterwards. I heard some weird noise from living room, something that really shouldn't be heard in this house, at this hour. Moaning.

I looked there to see Calum making out with some blonde on the couch. *luke lol* *jk*

"Uhm uhm," I coughed, trying to get their attention, but how could they when Calum was too busy unclasping that girl's bra.

It didn't work so I just grabbed some pillow from armchair and threw it straight on his head.

"What the fuck?" Calum finally noticed me. He looked pretty shocked.

"What?" That girl looked at him, probably surprised like, man just because someone punched your kiwi looking head you are gonna ignore ma chest? Then she turned around to see me, standing there with judging face, messy hair and oversized sweatshirt on, obviously from boy section, with no pants. I mean, I had panties, okay.

"I am sorry to disturb your uhmㅡimportant moment but Calum, I think that pancakes would be better for the breakfast than this girl's pussy." I said innocently.

"Who is she, Cal? What is she doing here?" She spitted, not literally, but it looked like she would totally do that. Right on my face.

"I don't knowㅡ " "ㅡI am his babysitter," we said at the same time.

"Wait, what? You have babysitter? Is this some joke?" She laughed nervously, but silent from both of us shut her mouth.

She got up fastly, taking her shirt, that somehow ended on the top of the bookshelf. Good for her that she was so tall, not like me, dwarf, how that blue hairy said.

"IㅡI can't do this. Why do you have babysitter? You said that you are just one year younger than me. Was all of this lie? What are you, eleven?"

*on the scale from 1 to 10 bitch*

But Calum wasn't looking at her. He was looking at me. And even when the door shut behind her, he didn't do anything.

"You," he finally spoke. But his voice was different. Like it was all made of ice. "You. What the fuck do you think you are doing?"

"I was just telling the truth."

He stood up and before I could escape, he took my both arms and shaked with me. Ice in his eyes was gone, replaced with fire.

"She wasㅡI could finally feel something, I could finally feel something flutter in this shitty thing called heartㅡBut of course, you had to come and destroy everything!!"

He pushed to me, way too hard that my feet couldn't make it and I almost fell to the floor, the edge of the glass coffee table hitting my hip. I tried to push back the tears, fulling my eyes.

"You should be thankful to me!" I yelled at him. "That girl was nothing more than a bitch. She ran away from you right when she find out you have a babysitter. Soon or later, she would hurt you!"

"Shut up!!" He pulled me up by grabbing my sweatshirt.

I slapped his hand off. "Don't fucking touch Ashton's stuff!!"

I was never good with argues. My emotions couldn't last long hiding deep in my heart, they would pop out too soon. And I didn't want to let this asshole see me weak. But it wasn't same like with my mom back then. I didn't want her to see me weak because it would hurt her. And I couldn't let Calum see me weak because he would know he hurt me. No. I will never give him this pleasure.

So I did what most of the girls do - ran and locked in my bedroom, pillows killing my sobs, not letting them to come to anybody's ears.

× × ×

I heard knocking on my door. I found out I fell asleep, which was weird since I just woke up back then.

"Braylee?" Calum called. I shivered at him saying my name.

I didn't answer, he will just leave then I thought. And really, after few knocks and mine shivers, he finally gave up and left.

I tiptoed to the door and opened them to escape downㅡNo because his body, probably sitting on the floor and leaning against the door, was now lying in front of me, his head on my feet.

"What are you doing here?" I said coldly as he stood up.

"I feel so sorry, Braylee. I overreacted back then. It's just thatㅡI really wanted a girlfriend that would truly love me and wouldn't be ashamed hanging out with meㅡI really thought it's Nathaly. But you were right. Iㅡ"

"Calumㅡ "

"Let me finish it. I am really, truly, so sorry greenbean. IㅡOh no what did I do to you?" He gasped as he noticed the dark bruise growing on my hip. His fingers touched my bare skin but I stepped back.

"Calum, stop. Please, just stop. Actually, I tried to act like I was like you. Young teenager. Being cheeky like you. Maybe we can become friends one time I thought. I was wrong, Calum. That is not what I am supposed to be. Here, I am not me - I am your babysitter. So we won't talk to each other again. Not like Braylee and Calum. I am Quinn for you now, no matter if you like it or not."

"I understand," Calum whispered, looking at his feet. I never saw him like this before. He looked.. hurt..

He turned back and started to walk away, but in the middle he stopped. "Who is Ashton?" he asked.

"Someone you will never be."

With that, my door closed for him, same as my heart.


Guys I want to ask you, do you ship #Ashlee or #Caylee? :p

Also I want to thank you for 300+ reads, you are amazayn


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