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chapter 1; farewell & waterproof boyfriend


''Braylee Thea Quinn, I hate you! Don't expect I will let you come back to this house ever again!''

''I will miss you too, mom,'' I grinned and hugged this woman that I call 'mummy' in every situtation.

''Don't you want to think better of it?'' She pouted at me.


Today, I am leaving from my small hometown here in UK to Australia. I am supposed to be babysitter in some family in Sydney, for a year. My mom is worried because I actually don't know that much about them. It's just that one day, agency with babysitters, where I worked for a long time, told me about this great oppurnity and since we need money, of course I took it.

All I know about this family is that they have son I will look after. I think they said they have daughter too but she is already on college studying and doesn't live with them.

''I am sorry mom. But I will call you everyday, pinky promise!''

I sighed as I heard car stop behind me. I turned around and saw tall guy in my age going to us.

I smiled as I looked back at my mummy. ''I have to go.''

''Take care, my jellybean,'' she kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly for last time.

When we sepparated, I waved at her because I didn't want to say goodbye. I am sure that if I did so, I would cry. And I didn't want my mom to see me cry.

She waved at me back and dissapeard into the house. I knew why. Mom is same like me. She didn't want me to see her weak.

I took my suitcase and without any words, I came to my boyfriend and leaving suitcase being suitcase, I burried my face in his chest. He always smells so good. Other thing I will miss.

"You can cry if you want. I told ya I am waterproof boyfriend," Ashton stoke my hair while his other hand was stroking my back. He always know how to comfort me.

"I am alright," I stepped back and smiled at him. "Big girls don't cry you know."

"Well I am not sure about that 'big girl' part一 Ow!" He started laughing as I hit his shoulder playfully. Which was kinda difficult due to my one meter heigh and him being the Mont Everest. Yup, that's my Ashy.

"Stop messing with me or I will kill you," I glared at him, then took my lonely suitcase again. "And stop with your 'Ashtonating'. Or I will be late and you will never get your own kangaroo." I tried to look all serious about it but it was so hard when your idiot boyfriend is pouting with that puppy eyes.

"No kangaroo?" I hit him again and while laughing, we get into the car.

When the car started moving, my eyes didn't let go of our small white house. I was supposed to be away just for one year but.. it still feels strange. And I swear I saw my mummy behind the curtains, crying and waving. Something that broke my small daughter heart.

"Hey, Earth calling Tea," Ashton poked my cheek.

Yeah, you heard right. He wanted to be original with calling me by my middle name 'Thea' but since I don't like it, he started calling me 'Tea'. I have no idea why, maybe because it's similar to Thea, or because I am obsessed with tea (cheesecake with strawberries flavour is literally life) or just because it's Ashton doing his Ashton things.

When I didn't respond, he started tickling me.

"Hey Ashton! Stop! Also, eyes on the road because if we will die because of you, I will kill you!"

"You can't kill me when we are both dead Tea," he chuckled next to me.

I just mumbled something, deep in thoughts again.

I didn't even wink and we were at the airport and my heart skipped a beat. That means I will leave soon. Of course I was also excited af but still..

When we get there and checked in my luggage, Ashton recommended going to Starbucks which was there too since there was still one hour remaining.

I ordered caramel frappe and he got the chocolate chip one and after we get our orders we headed to McDonalds. I had a big breakfast back at home but I suddenly felt really hungry.

I waited at the table with our coffees for Ashton who had job to get our food.

I was staring at the left frie at the table after someone as it was really fascinating me when "someone" pushed it away with tray.

"Tea, don't stare at leftovers like that, it's unpolite. You will have your own, no need to steal that one," Ashron whispered close to my ear, looking around as someone would actually listening.

I took two fries from Happy Meal he got me (he always do that, then we argue who will keep the toy) and sticked my tongue at him.

"I am sorry, daddy."

"Hey, stop calling me like that," his face changed to confused. "Everybody keep saying this and I have no idea what that means."

He pouted again and my heart fluterred. Why I just can't take him with me?

The last hour we were just hanging around, eating, laughing and taking last selfies. We both set our couple pics for lock screens and then, each other took the other's phone and took dork selfie and set it as home screen.

All that stuff seemed so normal until I heard that plane, my plane, is leaving soon. My heart stopped beating now as I looked at Ashton and he was already looking at me too, sadness in his eyes.

"So.. I think it's the time now right?" He smiled sadly, looking at our touching couple Vans.

"Mhmm," I mumbled and then jumped at him. My arms wrapped around him and he did the same.

"I told ya," he whispered as he placed kiss to my hair. "You can cry. I am waterproof boyfriend."

And as he said that, my Niagara falls started themselfs and I couldn't stop.

But I had to since my plane, unfortunately, won't wait.

I stepped back and looked up at him.


"Yeah Tea?" He smiled.

"I love you," I smiled back, wipping tears away with my sweatshirt's sleeve. It was actually Ashton's, but he gave it to me, you know, for having piece of him with me all the time.

"I love you."

And he leaned down and his soft lips found mine in the best kiss we ever had. And I didn't want to end it.

|| okay so I know no one is reading this but I still hope you like it my imaginary friend

girl on pic is braylee now

btw there is nothing like 5sauce in this book just Ashton being super sweet boyfriend now





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