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chapter 7; ''She is nothing.''

It have been so long. So long that me and Calum didn't talk. And I don't mean just like that ''Braylee and Calum'' thing. We were strangers. Like you are passing by someone on the street all over and over again.

One day I even happend to hear him begging his mom to fire me and send me back to where I came from. I will be honest, it hurt. So for this whole month, that's what we were doing. Hurting each other, without any contact.

And today was no different. It was a normal gloomy Saturday. I was cooking lunch, Miss Hood was working again and CalumㅡI don't know. When we were alone, he was locked in his room, or left the house and came back late in the night. Miss Hood couldn't notice the atmosphere between us. She was never at home.

I just finished and put the spaghetti on the plate when the door bell rang. I ran there and opened. Two boys were standing there, with a confused faces.

''Uhm, ugh, h-hi. Is Calum there?'' The tall blond one said awkwardly, so quiet that I almost didn't hear him, his eyes immediately falling to his black converse.

I didn't get to say anything since that Smurf guyㅡ ''Hey! You are that dwarf, right?! Nice to see you again girl!'' Then he pushed to his friend and whispered something to him, well, not so quiet so I could clearly hear him. ''I told ya that they areㅡOw, what the fuck mate?!'' The blondie probably noticed that I am listening too and punched his shoulder to shut him up.

''Actuallyㅡ'' Again, I didn't get to say anything, this is getting pretty annoying ugh, since two hands grabbed and pushed me to the side.

''Let's go to my room,'' Calum told them, like I wasn't there. Well, what did I expect, right? :)..

They all started walking towards stairs, but stopped, well, only Blondie and Smurf did, when I talked. ''Uhm, Calum, you have a dinner here.''

When he didn't stop, the Smurf yelled at him. ''Hey, your girlfriend is talking to you!''

''She is not my girlfriend,'' he said coldly.

''Then what is she?'' The Blondie asked, obviously confused, but I guess he is just confused all the time.

Calum finally stopped, looking at me over his shoulder. ''She is nothing,'' he spitted out, without any emotions in his face, and then went upstairs. The boys stayed still, obviously totally done with this shit.

''Then who the fuck are you?!'' The Smurf yelled towards me and you could clearly see that question mark above his head.

''Hey, Michael..'' The Blondie put the hand over his shoulder. ''Whatever,'' The Smurf, I know it's Michael, but still let's call him Smurf, just shaked his head and followed Calum.

I sat on the armrest of the couch and just stared at my feet. Why the bloody hell am I like this?!

''Hey,'' Blondie said again, but his voice was different. It felt.. encouragingly. ''Braylee, right? Cal told us.. IㅡI am really sorry. He was like that for couple of weeks now. It'sㅡJust don't let it get to you, okay?'' He gave me a half smile and I nodded, trying to smile too. Then he dissapeard as well.

I sighed and at that moment, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and smiled, without forcing now, when I saw the name on the display.

''Hi, Ash. Yeah, I am doing fine..''

× × ×

I wanted to go sleep early this night, but the dreamland just didn't want to let me in.

After hour, I gave up and decided to get some water. I walked out of my roomㅡWhen I heard voices from Calum's room. That wouldn't be weird, since the boys were staying here overnight, but since I am curious dwarfㅡ

I tiptoed next to his door and eavesdropped through it.

''ㅡwere like that?'' Michael.. ''I mean, what you are telling us now isㅡ''

''Yeah, it's fucking true. Nobody makes me feel the same way she do. Not just sexually, but she makes me not want anyone else, she makes me want to stay with her forever. Seriously, I've never felt this way about anyone. IㅡI can't tell if I love her. But I like her. Like, a lot.''

''You like her?'' Blondie.

''Yeah. When she smilesㅡYou know what I mean Luke, it's the same as you told us with AlishaㅡIt's the most breathtakingly beautiful thing I've seen in the entire world, and if I was about to die at that very moment, I would die happy.''

My heart dropped. Calum liked someone else.

I didn't want to listen anymore. And I didn't even have to. The door opened little bit and Blondie came out. He looked surprised when he saw me, sitting on the floor.

''Youㅡ'' he whispered and closed the door quickly. ''What are you doing here?'' He took my hand and helped me stand up. ''YouㅡYou heard?''

I nodded slowly. I didn't even notice that tears rolling down my cheeks until he cupped my face to his hands and gently wipped them away with his thumbs. ''So why aren't these happy tears?''

''Iㅡ'' As always, I didn't say anything since as I opened my mouth, the sobs came out.

''Shh, not there,'' he whispered as he took my hand and lend me to my room.

He didn't let go of my hand when we were staying in the doorway. But it didn't feel romantically and it didn't feel wrong. And so we were just standing, looking to each other eyes, in the silent.

''We look at each other like we are about to kiss,'' he said suddenly and I bursted out laughing. ''See, I made you laugh. Now, everything is alright,'' he smiled.

I smiled too, because he really made me feel better. But still, it was deep inside and I knew it.

''Will you be okay here? Should I stay with you?'' He asked, worried all over again, but I shaked with my head and told him I am okay now. He pulled me to his arms and when we ended this warm hug, he returned to these two. I almost forgot about them.

And just now, I realised that I even don't know his name.


New shipping guys :p I am not gonna lie, I am fighting between #Ashlee and #Brayke now xD

I had to crop out Ashton from this photo cause he is not in the band. Oops, did I say anything about the band?.....

Aaand, I am so happy that I could say this in every this week's chapter, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR VOTES, READS AND COMMENTS LOVES, WE ARE AT +400 READS & +100 VOTES AND ALSO COMMENTS, THANK YOU AGAIN, I LOVE YOU

Dominika x

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