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chapter 16; Yellow roses

''We should go, Calum is gonna be rude ass again,'' Luke called at me to the bedroom. When I didn't answer, he added, ''Hurry! I don't need more problems because of you.''

His last sentence surprised me so much that I got up as fast as I could, grabbed my phone with display still wet because of tears, and ran to the living room.

I tried to get hold of my shoes as we reached the main door, but Luke was faster, he took them and throw them from the opened door.

''What the heck is your problem?!'' I shouted at him and ran out, my socks getting wet cause it just had to be a rainy day. Great. Just great.

''You can do that in the car, don't ya? Now get in.''

His always warm and caring face was gone, changed to annoyed one now.

Most of the car ride, we stayed quiet. The only sound were the rain drops, hitting the windshield over and over again.

Few more blocks and I could clearly see our house. But as we were getting closer, the uneasy feeling in my chest started growing up. There was something wrong. I could feel it. Something happend.

And as my suspicions were only confirmed, as soon as the car stopped next to the sidewalk, the door bursted open and between them, being a big mess, Calum appeared. One look and everything was clear for me.

Without giving each other any look, me and Luke jumped out of the car and ran to him. ''What happend?'' Luke asked.

Being closer now, I could see Calum's red eyes and wet cheeks. ''The- the living room..''

I didn't wait, pushed him out of my way and ran inside. I stopped in the hallway and turned to the living room. Chinese porcelain vase, the one Calum's mother was so proud of, that vase, which was always full of fresh roses all possible colours, the vase, whose shards were littered everywhere. The yellow roses, which released from the bouquet, were lying sadly on the glass coffee table. The rest was in her hands.

I covered my mouth with my hand, because if I didn't, I would probably start screaming loudly.

''Fuck, fuck!!''

Next to the coffee table, there was Calum's mom, miss Hood, Joy, lying on the floor. Without any signs of consciousness.

I kneeled down beside her body and tried to think straight.

I turned to Calum, pressing yellow blossom to his chest. ''The ambulance. How long is it going to take them?''

As if he forget about the entire world around him, he jumped little bit and winked at me. ''The ambulance?''

''You didn't call the ambulance? You idiot!!'' I yelled at him, then calmed down.

My eyes searched for Luke then. But he was nowhere to find. ''Luke? Luke! Where the fuck are you?! Call the ambulance, now!''

Five seconds later, I heard him giving our adress.

''How could this happen?'' I heard Calum whispering, again and again, his voice cracking because of another and another tsunami of tears.

I looked at the ashy face of Miss Hood, swearing at myself that I didn't pay attention all this time.

Throwback 1 month ago

(chapter 8)

''Miss H- Joy, I am really sorry, we were just-‚'' I started apologizing, when she gave me a sign with her hand to stop.

''I don't mind Braylee, you have your own life anyway,'' she smiled and took a sip from her coffee mug. ‚''But I really need to talk to you. It's quite- uhm, personal, so Lukey please could you?'' She looked at the blond giant standing and staring next to me like an animal blinded by the car lights, who nodded and quickly dissapeard upstairs.

''Should we sit?'' Miss Hood put her hand on my shoulder and lead me to the living room.

Memories were flowing through my mind as I looked at the back leather couch.

''Do I have a problem?'' I asked nervously, tugging on my shirt.

''No, nothing like that. Actually, it's me who have a problem.''

She paused like she didn't know what to say.

''Braylee,'' she continued, with sadness in her eyes. ''I- I need your help, more than ever before. Last year I had some problems. I ended up in the hospital with fever and digestive problems. After several days, they released me home, saying that I am okay. These doctors. After few months, all this stuff came back. I went to the doctor, who knows me as his own shoes. He told me it's pancreatic cancer. I was surprised, sad, angry. Calum already lost his father, I didn't want to take him his mother too. I was going to start chemotherapy. Which eventually never happend, because they concluded that the cancer had spread too much. I had no choice. I didn't want Calum to know, he finally began to live normally. So I hid it. For a long time nothing happened and I thought, naively, that I won.''

One tear escaped her eye and she quickly wiped it away with sleeve.

''Yesterday, I went to control examination. It was everywhere. And my body began to change lately. With every day, I am becoming weaker. I didn't want Calum to see me like that. So, every morning, I disappear and come back late at night. I ended in my work long time ago. It was useless anyway.''

''How long?'' I asked quietly, trying to hold back the tears that were trying to fight their way out.

''Month. Listen,'' Ms. Hood took my hands in hers and squeezed them tightly. ''When I'm gone, Calum will no longer have any family. So I beg you. I know how important you are for him. You can't leave him. Please.''

I looked at her thin hands squeezing mine, her knuckles becoming white, and I could just not believe it.


I sighed loudly and tears came out. ''I promise.''


Hey loves!

If you didn't see trailer, check it out now! (there is lot of mistakes im so soryy..)

So, if you remember Miss Hood and Braylee's talk in chapter 8, this is what happend. SHIT IS ABOUT TO GOOOO DOWN. wait, it already did

I want to let you know that we will be ending soon. I am planning ending at chapter 20 or something like that.


Dominika x

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