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chapter 15; Goodbye

I could still feel the taste of his tongue, when our mouths separated.

Wait, did that just happend? Did we just kissed with bestfriend of a guy with I am actually cheating on my boyfriend? Oh. Fuck.

Luke was clearly thinking the same thing. Well, not literally, but you know.. This is even more fucked up right now.

''I am so sorry,'' he let go of me and stepped back. ''I'm-I wanted you to feel better, but I am just making everything worse-''

''L-Luke.. calm down okay? Everything is alright.'' No it fücking wasn't. I bit my lower lip, when it hit me. ''I know why you did that.''

''You do?'' His eyes widened and he looked me as a kid you just told you and Santa are bff and he is going to put his big ass here pretty soon.

Wait, this is serious. ''Well, yeah. We were talking about all this stuff, your family.. You just got sensitive. It's nothing. It won't change anything between us. I understand.''

''Oh,'' he looked little bit down, but then cheered up again. ''Yeah, that's.. that's it.''

I nodded decisively and turned my head as I heard my phone ringing again from the bedroom.

''I gotta- you know,'' I smiled at him as apologize and ran for the All Time Low song.

''Hey Braylee?'' I stopped as Luke called. ''You ever wanna tell somebody how you feel, but then realize how pointless it'll be, because nothing is gonna change? Yeah, me too.'' I froze at the place, but he just laughed bitterly and left.

The ringing was getting on my nerves so I ran there and placed it to my ear after skipping to Answer.

''Calum, sorry, I am so sorry, I will be there in few minutes, it's just that yesterday--'' I started when someone coughed, completely closing my mouth.

''Uhm, this is Ashton actually. Hey, Tea.''

At that moment, I lost all of my words. I was so confused by Luke that I didn't even check who is calling me.

''Ash.. Hi. I am sorry, it's just that my boss' son--'' ''It's okay, I understand. You have your own problems there, right?''

I couldn't help myself and grinned ironically. ''You have no idea.''


And that was all. None of us said anything and the only sound was our unregual breathing. Something was bothering him. I knew that.

''Actually-- I have a problem Ashton. Or we have a problem. Big problem. And I think we have to talk about it.'' I would continue, but he cut me off.

"Thea. The reason why I called is that I wanted to know if you are okay. I just wanted to let you know that I am still waiting for you, day by day, that I love you so much and all I want now is you to come back.. And- Everyone deserves a second chance. But not for the same mistake. Oh-Ohkay?''

''Wait, what does that mean?'' My alarms went crazy. Did he find out? But how could he? It's not like he has some kind of informator here.

''Nothing, cute. Just that I am here for you.'' I could almost hear him smile.

And again, we went silent. I couldn't it after few minutes so I whispere: ''Goodbye.''

No answer. ''Ash?''

''Oh, sorry. It's just that I hate the feeling when you have to say goodbye to someone you want to spend every minute with. Ugh, I am being cheesy again. Goodbye.'' And he hang up. Just like that. That was the last time me and Ash talked like that.


a/n: Hey loves!

So yeah, new update, short as hell, crappy and cheesy

I said it, didn't I? It will be bad with updates now :(

I started high school four days ago and well, it's good. Some teachers are shitty. But I made a lot of friends so yeah, that's good. Btw this girl sat next to me and we didn't talk that much. But yesterday we were talking about our favourite series (she loves Teen Wolf and Supernatural too omg) and then we came to music. We like exactly the same bands and singers. She pointed at The 1975 and she was like You probably don't know these and I was like OH MY GOD I LOVE THEM. Then she asked me which band I like so I said all she said and 5SOS and she screamed ARE U KIDDING ME I LOVE 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER! I was in heaven. Found out she is Luke girl, so we are making Cake true.. xD

Tommorow, our whole class (without my one friend jeez, he is 23 so 8 years older than me but he is still in our class xD he is awesome) + four more are leaving for camp where we have to get to know each other. God i don't wanna do this shiiit -_-

Dominika x

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