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chapter 5; ''Taking back my reputation.''

I parked the personal car of Miss Hood, which she lent me, and with every step I took, the more I was closer to Calum's school, the revenge was growing in my head and I couldn't stop smiling. This is gonna be so funny.

I got little bit lost there, since it was huge building and I didn't know where his class was. Little problem, which was solved quickly, as I asked one teacher, who passed me by.

She send me to the next floor, first class on the right. I thanked her and went upstairs. As I was getting closer, I made scenarios in my head, how it will be perfect, how Calum will be humiliatedㅡAt that time, I didn't know how wrong I was.

When I got in front of the door with D-8 at it, I knocked lightly.

''Come in!'' Someone yelled from inside and I grabbed the door handle.

In no time, as soon as my feet touched the pale blue floor, all eyes landed on me. I heard whispering and someone from the last row whistled loudly, giving it cherry on top with perverse comments. The young looking teacher scolded him, then gave his attention to me. ''How can I help you?''

I gave him my most innoncent smile. ''I am here for Calum Hood.''

Whole class made that ''oooh'' and ''wooow'' and ''whaaat'' sounds. Wait for the best, I laughed in my head.

''Wait! I can't let one of my students go with some strangers. May I ask who are you?''

That's it.

My eyes found Calum, in the last row with his three friends, whispering something to him, but he didn't pay attention. He was looking straight at me and you could clearly see what was running in his mind - If you will say something, I will put you in the dustbin, wait for dustmans and I don't care how it will end for you.

Dear Calum, I am willing to risk that.

''I am his babysitter.''

And right after I finished that, the whole class bursted laughing and all attention was now given to Calum, hiding under his desk.

One of these three boys, I thought they are friends, laughed like, uhm, in really high pitched voice, like some little teenage girl, and yelled: ''What, Calumie? Still can't change your nappy by yourself?''

I swear even that cute teacher giggled. ''Uhm, okay, Hood, you can go now with yourㅡUhmㅡBabysitter. Hope you will get better soon.'' And I swear that he winked at me before he left the class, everyone behind him, since, the bell just announced end of the lesson so why stay here?

Then it was just me and Calum, who stopped in front of me, frowning.

''Aww, Calumie, what happend honey? Need to change nappy?'' I stroked his cheek with my hand gently and he just pushed me away and went away. I giggled for me and yelled at him to wait for me, but I saw he stopped in the doorway.

When I got there, few people from his class, especially boys, were standing there and watching us like hyenas their prey.

''Hey, Cal!'' Boy with blue hair and piercing in his eyebrow stepped forward. ''No one here believes that fairytale about babysitter so tell us, who exactly is that dwarf over here? She's kinda hot, buttttt..''

I stepped right in front of him too, not caring about him just calling me a hot dwarf, which sounds really weird when you think about it, and looked straight to his eyes. ''It's true. I amㅡ''

I didn't get to finish that because someone, someone grabbed my hand from behind and turned me to face him. Our bodies were too close.

''What the fuck are you doing again?!'' I hissed, that quietly so only he could hear me.

''Taking back my reputation.'' After that, he closed the space between us and pushed his lips against mine.

I somehow knew that the others started yelling and whistling, that the girls started crying in frustration, I just didn't hear them. Like there were walls around us, just me and him.

I didn't want this. I really didn't. I knew my place, that this is not something babysitters can do with their employers' kids or whatever Calum was. I knew that I have a boyfriend waiting for me. I knew it all. And still, I kissed him back.

My eyes closed in pleasure, my cheeks hot in excitement, but when he bit my lip to make me open my mouth for his tongue, I was kicked back to reality and pushed him away.

Unfortunately, the others were already gone, probably not willing to watch us making out.

Neither of us didn't talk, so I turned back on my wheel and started walking away with long and fast steps. I heard Calum laugh behind me.

''Hey, greenbean, wait!''

Our conversation in the car, on our way home, was whole time like that:

''You liked it.''

''Shut up.''

''You kissed me back.''

''Shut up.''

''I am great kisser right?''

''Shut up!!''

Everything he said was fucking true. But I would never EVER admit that. Never.

When I stopped the car in front of the house, I didn't want to be here with him longer than necessary so I jumped out of the car as quickly as possible, but he was already ahead of me and when I closed the door, he pressed me to the cold metal, his hands on my hips.

And I don't know if it was because of the cool wind, or because his face was now like five centimetres from mine, or because his fingers were now drawing circles on my bare skin, I seriously don't know what the fuck was going on at that time, but the freeze ran through my whole body and I started shivering.

His lips brushed against my ear as he whispered: ''Some time, let's repeat that, greenbean.''

And then he disappeard, inside of the house, leaving me there just like that, fighting with thousands emotions.



Btw I made new cover so I hope you like it, cause I luv it

Dominika xx

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