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chapter 8; Adventure

''Wakey, wakey,'' someone whispered close to my ear.

I groaned and my hand met with the someone's face. ''Ow, fuck Bray!''

When I noticed my name, I forced my eyes to open at least little bit, but all I saw in this dark was black silhouette. Then it hit me and my brain finally started working, well, as much as possible. Someone was kneeling next to my bed, talking to meㅡ

''Blondie?'' I groaned as my eyes finally catch ends of his blond hair and his sparkling blue eyes.

''I guess so,'' he chuckled and tugged on my blanket. ''Get up, we don't have much time.''

''Time? For what?'' I groaned again when I noticed the time on my alarm clock. ''You, whatever your name is, Blondie, it's freaking 1:20 in the morning! Let me sleep..'' my eyes closed itselfs again and I didn't give a damn that he was still there.

''Not like that, Sleeping Beauty,'' I could totally hear him smile, when his hands wrapped me in the blanket and lifted me up as if I weighed nothing.

I saw he took my out of the room and I just gave up. Blondie was a giant and I was.. Well, you know. Even if I screamed, it would be more embarassing for me. So I just hide my face in his shirt and God, he smelled so amazing. He smelled like Ashton..

In few minutes, we were both in his car, him driving and me sitting on the passenger's seat, like some pancake still in my white bestie. Yes, I mean that blanket.

And then it hit me. Blanket, pancakeㅡIt was the same scene what happend between me and Calum almost two months ago when we met. (the chapters aren't meant by days, so she will be with them two months now)

I brushed it away from my mind and instead of that, I looked at that Blondie sitting next to me, driving me who the hell knows where.

''Nice lipring,'' I mumbled and he just smiled, as always. ''Where are we going anyway?''

''On an adventure,'' he smirked and I sticked my tongue at him, even when he couldn't see that. But I think he still did.

Fifteen, maybe thirty minutes passed and the car stopped on an empty parking lot. ''Where are we?'' I asked as I get off and shivered when my bare feet touched the cold asphalt.

Even when I didn't say anything, he noticed and told me to go to the trunk. At first I didn't found weird that I have shoes and pants there but thenㅡ''What the fuck were you doing in my closet?!''

He grinned as he said, ''I took them when you were sleeping. Not like I would mind you parading here in panties.''

When he saw how I frowned, already in normal clothes, he messed up my hair and added: ''I am just kidding. I didn't want you to be cold.''

Oh God what.

''Uhm, ohhhhkay, thanks. So, where are we?'' I said awkwardly.

''You will see,'' he said as he took my hand and started running with me somewhere to the dark. At that time, I started to recognize silhouettes of some.. they were attractions.

''Hey, we shouldn't be here. Let's come back and I don't know, watch Netflix or whatever, please?'' I pouted and tugged on his sleeve. Maybe I was 19, but I was still little shit, terrified at everything, afraid of problems and, well dark.

''Don't think so love. You are gonna like it and you are gonna enjoy it.''

I mumbled something, totally not okay with his ''adventure'', until we stopped in front of something.

I looked up and gosh it was so big. Ferris Wheel.

I coughed, nervousness filling my body. ''Uhm, nice, but what do you want to do now? It's abandoned amusement park. These attractions aren't working.''

''Who said we need them to work?'' He smirked at me and walked somewhere behind it.

''What?'' I was confused, following him. ''No, no, NO! You fucker I am never gonnaㅡNo!!'' I yelled when I saw what he was about to do.

''Come on, it's gonna be fun,'' he laughed and started climbing on a metal ladder, which obviously has experienced a lot, on the side of this Ferris Wheel, up.

When he was like two metres above me, he looked down at me and yelled. ''What are you doing down there? Come you frightened chicken!''

Why am I doing this? was my last thought and by last I mean completely, because I was totally sure I am gonna die tonight.

I started climbing behind him, not daring to look at the growing height below me.

When I fell to the floor in one of the cabins on its top, I stayed sitting there, breathing heavily.

''How could you do this to me? I am afraid of heighs you idiot!'' I yelled at him.

''Aww, why you didn't say that when we were still on the Earth, huh?''

He laughed as I stood up and hit him playfully. And I can tell you, my jaw dropped at that beautiful view we got. Shinning city in front of us was stunning. How can such bad things happen inside?

''It's beautiful,'' I sighed and leaned against the railing.

''Yeah,'' he smiled and looked at me. ''Beautiful.''

× × ×

It was the best night for me here in Sydney. I finally get to know the name of my prince in the white car - Luke Hemmings. We spend whole night up there, talking about the most stupid and deepest things at the same time, thinking about meaning of life and coming up with that it's pizza for sure. We get to know each other more than me and Calum and all my problems and worries I had before just washed away.

We came back home when the sun started waking up. I opened the door slowly, as quietly as possible, trying to not wake the whole house.

We tiptoed to the stairsㅡAnd stopped when the lights went on suddenly.

''Good morning,'' Miss Hood came from the kitchen.

''Miss HㅡJoy, I am really sorry, we were justㅡ'' I started apologizing when she gave me sign with her hand to stop.

''I don't mind, Braylee, you have your own life anyway,'' she smiled and took a sip from her coffee mug. ''But I really need to talk to you. It's quiteㅡUhm, personal, so Lukey please could you?'' She looked at the blond giant standing and staring next to me like an animal blinded by car lights, who nodded and quickly dissapeard upstairs.

''Should we sit?'' Miss Hood put her hand on my shoulder and lead me to the living room.

''Do I have a problem?'' I asked nervously, tugging on my shirt.

''No, nothing like that. Actually it's me who have a problem.''

She paused like she didn't know what to say.

''Braylee,'' she continued, with sadness in her eyes. ''Iㅡ''


This chapter is just boring filler because I wanted to do something with my second place shipping (Brayke omgg) BUT the end is something super duper important mehe but you will have to wait untill next week since I want to do this OH MY GOD WHAT update on the 1st month anniversary of this shitty fanfic

Btw how I am looking at it, my fanfics are full of me. I mean, in sms I used scene from my favourite horror Carrie, there I used something similar to my favourite book Divergent, my main girl characters are always short like me, my guy best friend is calling me dwarf, I am the one who is always afraid of everything and can't risk that easily andWhaaat
This was random I am sorry



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