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Well I decided to just keep going cause who knows it could end up well...good. Anyway lets see how this goes.

- Alexis -

I sat next to Aaron as he took a deep breath. "alright Alexia i u-uhh...I kinda like you." I stare at him my jaw probably would hit the floor.

"I uhh im sorry I didnt mean to-" im cut of by Aaron. "You didnt do anything Alexia " he slightly looks down at the wooden floor.

He then speaks again "do you remember when you were 12 and I was 15?" I nod

"well do you remember when I pulled about a million pranks on you?" I nod again.

"do you remember that one night I slipped off your roof while talking to you." I gulp but nod.

"well do you remember how you slid down your roof to come help me?" It feels like my stomach just tied itself up.

I nod slightly. "Well do you remember when you started crying because you thought you lost me?" I close my eyes and remember the night.

"Come on slow poke we have to hurry before its morning." I roll my eyes "shut up Aaron." I try to stay calm as I climb out my window. "Come on alexia nothing is going to happen to you because im here alright?" I look at his lively green eyes. "If I fa- " im cut off. "You wont! Now grab my hand." I did as told as he yanked me up. "I told you its beautiful." I look at the stars with my eyes almost out of my head. "alexia calm down before your eyes pop outta your skull" he laughs. "Your so mean." I shove him. "Aye I might fall off." he says jokingly. "Whatever." I roll my eyes. He stands up walks to the edge of my roof. "Im king of the world." he whispers it but I hear him. "Haha yeah right im the queen of the world." I say to him. "puhle-" he's cut off by his foot slipping he slips but manages to hang on to the gutter. "Aaron Garrett are you crazy!" I whisper. I quickly run to him but I step on his hand making me slip with him. I land in a bush. Aaron lands on a tree limb and then he falls off. "Holy Shit! Aaron! Aaron you have to wake up! Right now I cant lose you so get your ass up now!" I began to tear up. "Alexia? Are you c-" I grab his face and kiss him. I thought I lost you. You're such a clutz." I say smiling. "al-alexia did you just kiss me?"

Im snapped out of thoughts by Aaron. "Alexia did you hear me?" I shake my head. "Continue." I try to sound at least firm.

"Well I said that maybe if you wanted to go out for drinks or something could we maybe go?"

I smiled "yeah we can." he then rubbed his neck "what about your boyfriend?" I open my eyes in horror. I totally forgot about Cade how do I forget about my boyfriend? Agh im an idiot.

"Well that doesn't mean we cant go as friends right? I love hanging out with you despite the umm- " I drift off and he nods "yeah I know what you mean."

Im sorry it sucks but dont worry if you're team Aaron they have some time together. *Smirks*

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