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So there I was on a weird date with Lucas, Farkle, Riley and Josh. Lucas broke up with Missy yesterday after our game so they are finally done.

Josh to go to pick up the extra tickets for Riley and Farkle so I rode with Lucas. Riley and Farkle rode together, because they decided to put in an extra practice in before the game.

"So you broke up with Missy?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"You were standing ten feet away when it happened," Lucas laughed, "And you were there whenever I went over and told Josh and Farkle that I broke up with her."

I nodded my head, "Right. So why did you break up with her?"

"I don't know. I think we just grew apart. She doesn't care about the same things that I care about and I don't think we could ever be serious."

"You guys have been dating for like two years, isn't that serious enough?"

"Aw you followed our relationship. That's so cute. Where you waiting for us to break up so that you could steal me away?"

"Don't flatter yourself. I never liked Missy so I always thought you could do better."

"By better do you mean you."

Lucas laughed and I punched his arm.

We were silent for a few moments, because I couldn't think of anything to say.

I asked, "Did you love her?"

"I loved her a lot. I loved her so much that for a while I was able to overlook our differences."

"What was so different about you guys?"

"I told you she wanted different things. At the beginning of our relationship we were the same, but I grew up and she didn't. For one thing we both hated you, but now that I've spend time with you I've learned that you aren't so bad after all," Lucas explained.

"Aw how sweet. I don't hate you either."

Most moments between Lucas and I were full of jokes, but this was one of those rare times that we were being serious.


Once the five of us collected our tickets we headed up to our seats in the stand. Josh was sitting on my right and Lucas was on my left. Farkle was next to Lucas and then Riley was sitting next to Farkle.

"So what happens if they put the two of us up on the kiss cam? Are you going to kiss me?" Josh asked, grinning.

"I'm not going to kiss you," I joked.

"Just do it for the crowd."

I shook my head, but then I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

The game started and all of us focused on watching the game. After an hour everyone started getting hungry and we sent Josh to go get food for everyone.

Lucas kept looking down at his phone every ten seconds after Josh left.

"Do you already have another girl lined up?" I laughed.

Lucas shook his head, "No. Missy won't stop texting me, because she wants to get back together with me."

"But you don't want to get back with her."

"Apparently she doesn't understand no."

"Okay give me your phone," I said, holding my hand out.

Lucas handed me his phone and once he gave it to me I sat on top of it.

"Maya why would you sit on my phone?" Lucas asked.

"So you won't text her."

"I haven't texted her."

"Well so that you wouldn't have to look at the messages she sent you."

Lucas smirked, "Okay Maya give it back."

"No," I smirked back.



"Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Lucas reached over and started to tickle me, but I wouldn't let him have his phone.

"Lucas stop....I'm going to pee my pants," I said in between laughing.


Lucas and I were both laughing at this point and I bet half the people were staring at us.

"Uh Maya you might want to look that the screen," Riley said, interrupting us.

"Why?" I asked.

I turned my head up to the screen. Lucas and I were dead center on the kiss cam.

I turned to Lucas, "What do we do?"

"Kiss me I guess," Lucas said.

"I'm not going to kiss you."

"Just do it for the crowd."

And before I knew it we were kissing.


Finally the chapter I have been waiting for.

For some reason I think I want to write a chapter in Lucas' POV  so be ready for that.

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