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Farkle was jumping all over the house in the morning all excited for his first game. He couldn't sit still at breakfast and almost knocked over everything in his path.

The first thing he knocked over was his bowl of cereal.

"Farkle calm down or I will push you down a flight of stairs," I said, trying to calm him down.

"I'm sorry I can't help it. I'm just so excited for the game," Farkle yelled, getting another bowl to eat his cereal in.


Farkle was still jumping in the car ride to the school, but he seemed to calm down by the time we reached my locker and Riley's locker.

"Hey are you ready for our first game today?" Lucas asked, doing some weird handshake with him.

"I'm totally pumped for this game what about you guys," Farkle yelled.

"I'm totally excited for this game too. My mom said that I was shaking during breakfast this morning. I almost knocked over my juice this morning," Josh explained.

"Coach said this game is the best way to show everyone that we are a force to be wreck in with," Lucas said, shifting his weight.

I took off my jacket and Josh could see I was wearing his other jersey.

I pulled Lucas' other jersey out of my bag and handed it to him, "Here give this to Missy to wear to your guy's game today."

"You're not wearing Lucas' jersey today?" Riley asked.

She also had on Farkle away jersey like most of the other girls.

"No. I let Missy wear Lucas' so I could wear Josh's jersey," I said.

Quickly I began pulling books out of my locker before the bell rang.

"See you guys later," Josh and Lucas said, before everyone else walked away to first period.


I couldn't really pay attention to class all day because of the game. I knew that the guys were most likely feeling a lot more excited than I was feeling.

Coach let the all of us get out of class early for the game. Riley met me at my locker before the game and we walked down together as well.

The boys were running laps around the field when we finally reached the bleachers. The opposing team was already here as well doing stretches.

"Who do you think will win the game?" Riley asked.

"Not sure yet, but I have faith in the guys they can pull out a win," I said, putting my sunglasses on.

The game started at 3:30 and the opposing team wasn't half bad. Lucas got us a homerun when the bases were loaded.

That brought the score 4-0.

The other team was able to score two other times which brought the score then to 4-2.

I knew that it was still early in the game but coach still wanted the team to win.

"Maya," Josh yelled, from the fence before the team switched sides.

I ran over to him, "Hey good luck bring home a win for us."

"I will try," Josh said, giving me a quick kiss before he ran out to third base.

The game picked up from there very quickly.

The other team was able to score on a double and that brought the score tied at 4-4.

When they switched sides again Lucas was able to get a double and he brought the score up to 6-4.

The lead over the other team didn't last as long as coach would have liked. The opposing team was able to take the lead and the score was now 6-7.

Farkle and Josh both were on the field at second and third base. Lucas took his position at home plate.

Lucas got his second homerun of the game and brought the finally score to 9-7.

"You guys were awesome," Riley yelled, as we both went running into the field.

"Josh you were amazing," I said, before Josh picked me up and spun me around.

Missy came running over to us. I rolled my eyes and Lucas laughed.

"Lucas you were fabulous I knew you would win us the game," Missy said, hugging Lucas.

"Thanks but it wasn't just me it was Farkle and Josh as well," Lucas said.


So I'm not really sure what the average baseball game score is because I don't play it but let's just pretend they can go that high.

Maybe they do go that high.


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