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It was that time of year again. Softball and Baseball was finally going to start again.

Riley and I were out shopping with my brother, Farkle and his two best friends Josh and Lucas. Riley and I needed to get new bats for softball and Farkle was just my ride.

"Hey Maya do you think this bat will help me make it to the number one spot this season?" Josh asked me.

Josh was the cute boy next door who my brother became friends with a while back. Farkle was already friends with Lucas when he moved to California, but over time the three of them became very close. I just don't think Josh is as close with Farkle as Farkle is with Lucas.

I like to think that Josh and I have a thing, if you could call talking every once and a while a thing. I couldn't help it that he had dreamy brown eyes and brown hair.

"Why are you asking her? She doesn't know anything about Baseball," Lucas buts in.

"If that's true then how did I make on over six travel teams?" I snap at Lucas.

"Softball isn't close to being as hard as baseball, that's why you made those teams."

"That's a lie."

"Is it now? Then why do baseball players make more than softball players."


"Yeah that's what I though."

"Why are you here no one even likes you," I lied.

A lot of people liked Lucas. All the freshman girls wanted to be with him and even the girls in his grade did too.

"Really then how do I have a girlfriend? And last time I checked you didn't have a boyfriend."

"Can you just shut up?"

"Oh wow that's such a good comeback. How long did it take you to come up with that one?"

"Not long, because you're not worth the effort."

I kept waiting for Josh to step in and say something to get the two of us to stop fighting, but he stood there next to Riley and Farkle not saying anything.

"You think I'm not worth the effort have you checked yourself out lately," Lucas yelled back.

"I'm done fighting with you," I said walking over to Riley, away from everyone else.

"Did you finally realize you would never win?" Lucas says with some stupid smirk on this face.

Lucas got on my nervous so badly.

Farkle kept telling me to give him a chance and that we only fought because of how different we were.

Lucas and I were opposites which was probably why we fought as much as we did.

I turned around back to Josh and said, "Yeah that bat will work fine and you could probably beat a couple jerks for the number one spot."

Lucas has been in that spot his since his freshmen year.

"Okay cool," Josh says turning around.

"What are you doing? You're making yourself look stupid in front of Josh," Riley whispered, so they would here us.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"You and Lucas were going after each other pretty hard, I thought I would have to get out the hose," Riley said.

"Yeah well Lucas started it," I replied.


So I hope you enjoy this new story

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