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After practice Farkle took me home and I waited for Josh to text me.

He didn't text me until back ten.

When he did answer he finally asked me.

The next day he met me in the hallway at our lockers. Before the bell rang he kissed me goodbye.


School went by fast and I met Riley in the locker room. When we walked in Missy was telling everyone about how good she was. I was about to say something to her, but Riley stopped me.

"Don't," Riley stuck her arm out, "The last thing you want is for coach to bench you."

"Thanks. Now let's go we don't want to be late," I said, walking Riley out to the field.

We both joined the guys where they were sitting.

"Alright everyone I watched you during practice yesterday and I picked your partners. Okay so when I call out your name go stand with partner," Coach yelled to all of us.

He began to read out names but I was only listening for my name, "Okay and the last group is going to be Farkle and Riley, Josh and Missy, and last Maya and Lucas."

He had to be joking. There was no way I could stand working all season with Lucas.

He even knows that Lucas and fight every time we are together.

"The last group I called is the top three teams. Lucas you're the number one baseball player and Missy you're the number one softball player so help Josh and Maya get higher up. Farkle you're the number two baseball player so I want you to push Riley this season," Coach said to all of us.

Coach was right.

Lucas would push me more than Josh would. He was also a little better than Josh was to so that would help.

"Now let's split apart and work with your partners," Coach yelled.

Lucas and I walked over to where Riley and Farkle were standing and talking. Riley kept playing with her hair and laughing at everything Farkle said.

Lucas interrupted, "Want to trade partners."

"No I'm good," Farkle smirked looking at Riley.

"Gross," both Lucas and I said.

Lucas and I walked over to the empty part of the field.

Missy walked over to us and kissed Lucas on the cheek.

I rolled my eyes at them.

"Lucas! We need to start practicing," I yelled.

Lucas pulled out of the kiss, "Right."

Missy said, "I just wanted to wish you guys luck and to tell Missy to play nice."

"Hey I always play nice," Lucas said, before giving Missy a kiss goodbye.


Lucas began pitching balls towards me and I hit all of them. Usually I'd be impressed by this, but today I just wanted Lucas out of my sight.

Anything to make time go quicker.

When he was done pitching them to me he had me pitch some to him. He kept staring over at Josh and Missy so I threw one at him, but he turned around and caught it.

"Nice try," Lucas scoffed, "If you want to make it to the top you're going to need me so I wouldn't try to hurt me."

"I will never need you."

"Keep telling yourself that."


After practice I was talking with Josh he was trying to get me to go on some double date with Missy and Lucas.

"No I'm not going," I said to him

"Why not? It's only going to be a couple of hours. I'm going to be there with you guys so I can keep you from fighting. Please just one date."



"Fine I will go with you guys if I can pick where the date is going to be."

"Yes. Okay I will next Lucas and tell him we are on Saturday going..."

"Mini golfing."


1. Missy
2. Maya
3. Riley

1. Lucas
2. Farkle
3. Josh

So those are the top three spots.

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