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"Okay the reason this year I chose to give everyone partners is because the world's best softball player Ryan Porter and the world's best baseball player Lance Boone are opening a camp this year."

I meet Ryan Porter once when I was really little. My mom took me to one of her games and I got her so sign a softball

"And the only way you can go to this camp is if your coach picks you to go. Eight other schools are invited to this camp so only two people can go to the camp. I'm picking one set of partners that will be able to push themselves and their partner as well."

After coach said that I knew things were going to change with every group.

Lucas was going to freak out on me even more. Josh would be spending time with Missy trying to work with her. Farkle and Riley would be spending any moment they had together.

Maybe this camp is a bad idea and Coach shouldn't let any of us go.

On my way to Farkle's car Lucas stopped me and helped me carry my gear.

"Tomorrow be ready to work," Lucas said.

The way he said it was actually kinda sweet. He didn't sound mad or upset just hopeful.

"Sure thing coach."

"I'm not your coach."

"Sure you aren't."


"You and me need to go out on date," Josh said, coming up behind me.

"I have to get home," I started, "Plus it's a school night."

Josh said, "Fine. How about on the weekend?"

"Maya lets go!" Farkle shouted, from his car.

"Yeah Maya lets go," Riley mocked.

"What's that Farkle I think that Riley likes-" I began.

"Lalalalala!" RIley shouted, jumping into the car.

Josh and I laughed at Riley. She was basically just proving to us that she actually liked Farkle.

"I'll see you later," I said, before giving him a kiss on the cheek.


Riley decided to come spend the night at my house so we could study.

When we got home my dad wasn't home yet so Farkle made dinner for us. Farkle was amazing when it came to cooking.

"I'm actually jealous that you can cook," I said.

"Yeah sorry Maya you're not that great," Riley laughed, shoving food into her mouth.

"That's cause mom passed on her cooking genes to him. Farkle learned how to cook when we were young. I would have been a great cook, but I never wanted to learn how," I said.

"Hey to be fair Maya can make some pretty good cupcakes," Farkle added.

"Oh thanks," I said, laughing.

"If you want to see some other good cooks you should ask Josh or Lucas to make you something the next time you see them," Farkle explained.

"Josh can cook?" I asked.

"Yeah mom taught him how to cook one time when he was over," Farkle began, "But Lucas has always know how to cook. His grandmother taught him after his dad left."

"Wait Lucas's dad left them. I thought that Lucas never met his dad," Riley questioned.

Lucas was never one to talk about family. He rarely brought up the topic around anyone.

"No his dad left when Lucas was two and then he showed up again when he was twelve with a one year old daughter. His mom wanted to work their problems out so she decided to take care of Abby and take back his dad," Farkle said, while eating his food.

"Then what happened?" I asked.

Farkle asked, "You don't know the story?"

"Did you forget that Lucas and I hate each other?" I responded.

"I thought maybe Josh told you or I did before," Farkle said, "But anyway one day when Lucas came home his dad had left a note saying he was leaving. He hasn't been back since and Abby doesn't even remember who her dad was."

"So Lucas hasn't tried to find his dad?" Riley asked.

"No doesn't want to know him anyway," Farkle said, taking his plate and putting in the dishwasher.

"That's so sad," I mumbled under my breath.

"Don't tell him I told you guys this he doesn't like people to know his back story."

That's the thing about Lucas, he's always full of surprises. He's been my neighbour for years and I didn't even know the whole story.


So you learned what happened to Lucas' dad in this chapter.

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