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Lucas and I messed around for a couple more minutes. I was in the middle of dunking Lucas when Josh walked through the door.

"Maya? Where's Lucas?" Josh asked.

I got off of Lucas shoulders and swam over to the wall. Lucas' head popped up from under the water.

Josh laughed, "Oh that explains a lot."

"Hey Josh. When did you get here?" Lucas asked.

Josh leaned kissed me on my check and gave me a side hug, "I wanted to come see you swim but I had to take a math test and Mr. Redding wouldn't let me take it after school."

"That sinks you missed me pass my test," I said, trying not to sound too disappointed.

"Yeah Maya might actually have a chance at being an Olympic swimmer," Lucas laughed.

"True," I lied, "Well I'm gonna go get dressed again."


When I came back out Lucas and Josh were having a normal conversation. Lucas was still in his soaking wet clothing.

I asked, "You ready to leave?"

"Yeah. Got your stuff all together?" Josh asked.

I nodded, "Alright I guess we will see you at school tomorrow."

"Bye guys," Lucas said.

Josh and I began walking towards the door, but I turned around and gave Lucas a hug.

"Your going to get your clothes all wet," Lucas laughed.

"I don't care. I just really needed to say thank you for helping me pass."


"Lucas is a pretty good teacher," I said, getting into the car.

"Yeah he is pretty good at most things," Josh replied, "How nervous were you during your test?"

"I was really nervous before the test started, but Lucas calmed me down enough that I could actually into the pool and start my test."

"I'm really sorry that I missed your test. I wish I could have been there to see you and help you stay calm."

"It's okay, but it's probably a good reason that you weren't there."

"Well if you wanted to end things you could have just said so," Josh said jokingly.

"If you were there I would have been too nervous and maybe failed the test," I laughed.

"Then I'm glad that I didn't come. I wouldn't want you to have to take that test more than one time."

Josh and I kept talking as he drove toward my house. Just as I thought we were going to pull into my drive way Josh drove right by my house."

"Um you just went past my house."

"I know we are going for a ride," Josh replied.

When Josh stopped driving we were at the park by my house. It was still pretty light out and it was about 80 degrees out. The bugs were flying around and I had to keep swatting them away.

"What are we doing here," I asked.

Josh pulled a baseball bat and some baseballs out of the back of his car.

"You have been missing softball a lot because of swimming so I decided to bring you here and help you," Josh grinned.

"Awww that's so sweet of you, but I've been learning from the best so your going to want to watch out," I smirked.

"Dang someone has an attitude," he said, standing on the pitchers mount.

"Okay I'm ready," I said, standing in the correct position.

Josh pitched me the ball and I hit it as far away as I could.

Josh laughed, "I'm impressed."

"What did I tell you, Lucas is a really good teacher."

"Too bad he fixed your positioning."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"No. Now I can't correct you and do this."

Josh wrapped his arms around my hips and kissed me.

I pulled away from Josh and pushed him back to the pitcher mount

"Hey now."

I gave him a grin and threw him a ball."

"Your turn."


We took turns pitching for a couple hours and Josh was even more impressed with how well I was doing.

I hit a couple of the balls in the parking lot where Josh's car was parked.

"Are you ready to go home?" Josh asked.

"No, but I have to finish my math homework and get some sleep before our games tomorrow," I said, getting into his car.

"Oh yeah that's right you guys have back to back games tomorrow. Why could coach do that the week you guys go against Brown?"

"I don't know but we play Cedar Point first that's going to be an easy win. Brown is going to be tuff to beat but, I think we can take them."

"Yeah I think you guys can take them as long as you all work together as a team."

"I think so too," I agreed, as we pulled into my driveway.

"Well did you have fun tonight," Josh asked, walking me up to my door.

"Yeah it was something fun to do with you and it helped me out before our game."

"That's good I guess I will see you tomorrow."

"Yeah you can wish me good luck before our games. Are you coming to watch me tomorrow?"

"Yeah I don't want to miss your games."

"Thanks I wanted to you to come."

"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow. I love you," Josh said, before leaning and kissing me.

Things were going well until Lucas walked over to the door.

"I hate to break this up but you're letting bugs into the house," Lucas said.

"Sorry about that," Josh awkwardly said.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I said.



Sorry that I've been MIA for a while but here is a longer update.

This chapter was good because Lucas and Maya are getting along and Lucas broke up a kiss between Maya and Josh.

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