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I woke up this morning to Lucas and Farkle running around the house trying to wake me up.

At first they just ran up and down the stairs and then they decided to break into my room and jump on my bed.

"Wake up," Farkle yelling, jumping on my pillow.

"Get up you have a game today," Lucas said, pulling my feet causing me to fall off the bed.

"Great," I said, standing up, "Alright I'm up now. Both of you get out so I can get dressed."

"Alright I made you breakfast so come down and eat it when you are dressed," Farkle replied, walking out the door.

"Actually I made breakfast," Lucas refuted.

Soon enough I heard them both walking down the steps.

I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and then put my uniform on. I ran around trying to find my socks, but they weren't in my bag or in my room.

I ran down the steps as I yelled, "Hey guys have you seen my socks?"

"No. I haven't seen them," Farkle yelled back.

Great no socks on game day.

"Guys I really need my socks," I shouted.

"I didn't do anything to them," Farkle defended himself.

I ran around the house looking for them everywhere.

"Hey," Lucas pulled my hair, "they are right here."

They were right next to my sneakers where I left them last night. I'm really bad at keeping track of my stuff.

"Thank you. I'm running so late I won't even have time to eat before the game."

I started putting on my socks as Lucas kept talking to me.

"Look you can eat in the car. Farkle and I will drive you to the game. You just need to calm down."

"Thank you it's just I need us to win both of these games so that I can make that number one spot."

I stood up and started rushing around to packing up my bag.

"Farkle lets go! We are going to be late for Maya's game if we don't leave like right now," Lucas yelled, walking to the front door.

"Alright I will meet you in the car. I'll grab Maya's breakfast for her," Farkle said, running down the steps.

Lucas and I ran out to his car and I sit down in the backseat.

Farkle comes out a few seconds have us. He hands Lucas the plate of food he brought out. Lucas then hands me the plate full of food.

I started to eat it right away. Farkle was right Lucas is really good a cooking.

While we were driving Farkle told that Josh is waiting for me at the baseball field.

After what seemed like hours we finally got to the baseball field. I could see both teams waiting for the game to begin.

Riley was talking to Josh when I walked up to them.

"Hey there you are. I was starting to get worried that you weren't going to show," Riley said, with a worried look on her face.

"Sorry Farkle and Lucas woke me up late and I was rushing around trying to find everything for the game," I responded.

"Hey I'm going to find at seat somewhere with Farkle and Lucas.  Good luck," Josh replied, giving me a quick kiss before he ran off.

I looked over a few seconds later and he was talking to Missy.

"Relax he is her partner. He has to wish her luck," Riley reassured me, "We need her if we want to win these games."

I nodded and started preparing for the game to start. Riley stood by my side, but I saw her looking at Farkle a couple times.

Lucas walked over to Riley and I and asked, "Hey can I steal Maya away from you for a second?"

"Yeah. I should probably go find Farkle. I'll see you on the bench."

And just like that she ran off to go meet Farkle. Something is definitely going on between them.

"How are you doing?" Lucas asked.

"I'm doing alright. I'm just a little freaked out."

I started taking deep breaths in and out while Lucas continued to talk to me.

"Don't be. You are way better than half the girls here," Lucas put his hand on my shoulder.

"What if I miss the ball," I began, "Or if I don't place my hips in the correct position."

"Hey life is full of what ifs you just need to block them out and take a breath."

I nodded just as Riley called me over to the bench.

"Thanks I will try to do my best," I responded.

"Don't try just do your best," Lucas said, pulling me into a side hug before I had to run off.

Lucas was being really nice to me for once. The last couple of days have exactly been kinda fun with Lucas around. Nobody's had to complain about our arguing.

When I got back to the bench Riley was waiting for me and I could see Missy giving me a death glare.


During the game I chose not to watch anyone play and only watched when I had to bat or I had to go into the infield.

The first game to Cedar Point was easy and we won with flying colors.

The game against Brown was much harder to win.

When I had to bat during the last inning I remember thinking that I had to set Riley so we could win the game.

I looked over to the bench and Lucas must have seen me do that because he mouthed to me "You can do it. Just breath."

I took a deep breath and shut my eyes for a second.

When the pitcher from Brown threw the ball to me I was able to hit the ball and set Riley up so our team could win.

The only thing I can remember after that is slamming into home plate was Riley running up to me so that she could hug me.

Lucas and Farkle ran up to both Riley and I hugged us.

"You guys were great I can't believe you won't!" Lucas yelled, pulling me into a hug again.


These next chapters are going to contain a lot of Lucaya vs Joshaya moments. The love triangle is starting to get a lot more complicated.

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