So...let's talk

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Topic: Anger issues

Backstory: Anger has always been a big part of my life. Growing up, I used to be a big crybaby, was VERY (and still am) sensitive to criticism, also I HATED, HATED (and still do very much) losing to ANY GAME AND COMPETITION. Everytime I got triggered by those, I'd cry..but my parents didn't like that, so whenever I cried they'd either emotionally abuse me, whoop my ass, or lock me in a room to "think it out" (I was thinking how I could impress them lmao) so I grew out of that phase, and turned my sadness into anger. Everytime I cry now, it's because I'm angry. Me crying whenever I'm actually sad is actually pretty rare (unless im breaking down on the bathroom floor :P) My parents never really taught me how to manage my emotions, so I learnt it myself..and the only thing I learnt how to do was to keep it in (I was so afraid of people judging me so I kept it in) I didn't learn how to manage it whenever it finally burst through the bubble, though...and the consequences still affect me to this day :)

Whenever I get angry, I obviously

-Lash out at them

-Bang anything with my clenched fists that's on my sight (as my eyes glow angry red lmao)

-Say mean shit about them (this isn't like common but it depends on the person)

-Isolate myself

Although, due to my current mental state, they've been getting WORSE and more out of CONTROL, I decided to find something to help me in subsiding my anger temporaily anyways

To calm down, I

-Listen to music (d4vd is a life changer)

...that's it 😅

I'm still working on it (not rlly) and my other issues out, but whenever it gets out of control (for now) I'll just shut myself down and listen to music :)

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