The Reality Behind the Happily Ever After

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Regina hurried into her office 20 minutes late, her heels clicking furiously against the hardwood floor. She threw her purse onto her chair and straightened her blazer before making her way to the conference room. She was startled when an arm reached out from a private room, the one usually reserved for board meetings, and pulled her into it.

"You know Regina," his voice was strong and stern yet calming as he spoke; when she was a child, she imagined he was a King. "Just because this firm is called 'Blanchard and Mills' does not give you special privileges to stroll into the office as you please."

Leopold Blanchard was a rather small man with gray hair that was balding at the top. He was kind to his employees, lenient with their schedules to accommodate their private lives; something extremely rare to find in this field. However, he was feared amongst the legal world. His was the most successful law firm in New York City, handling and winning more cases than most of the other firms combined. His staff was held with the upmost respect in the public eye, something which Regina did not take for granted.

"I know, Leo. I'm sorry. I could explain myself, but what good would that do?" She stated, her question obviously rhetorical.

"What would your mother say if she were here?"

Regina admired Leopold, she really did. He was her mentor and confidant as well as her boss, but he often used her mother against her in times like these. Although the name Mills was in the name of the company, it did not mean Regina was his partner by any means. That title was still held firmly in place by her mother, Cora Mills.

Cora was a cold, arrogant woman in the workplace; never making eye contact with those she believed to be beneath her. However, she was an incredible attorney. She spent most of her life dealing with the mass media cases handled by the firm; her vocabulary was eloquent, her words often manipulative. Needless to say, she could have the press eating out of the palm of her hand or kissing her boots if she worded it correctly.

When Regina's father, Henry Senior, had fallen ill, Cora was granted temporarily leave to care for her husband. As horrifying as she was in the office, she admired the love her mother had for her father. After his passing, she started to work from home or wherever she felt like being. At the moment, she was litigating from their family vacation home in Spain. When she would be returning was a mystery even to her own daughter. Cora was a legend in the field and Leopold, as well as the rest of her colleagues, made it their life's mission to always remind Regina of her proper place in the company: hidden behind her mother's shadow.

Regina didn't answer his question, understanding that his was rhetorical as well. She just nodded, her comprehension clear to him. She enjoyed her job, but she felt Cora and Leopold still treated her like a child or worse, an intern.

"Do you need ice?" He asked, his voice changing from disciplinarian to concerned parent instantly. She tilted her head slightly, his question taking her by surprise until he pointed to her forehead. The bump. She imagined it swelled during the subway ride uptown and shook her head. "At least it's clear by your injury that your tardiness was not without reason. Mr. Booth is waiting for you in the conference room. Perhaps he will be more understanding upon the sight of the bruise than I."

And with that, he was gone. Regina remained frozen in place, her jaw clenching with frustration. This was exactly what she wanted to avoid, but she couldn't say she necessarily regretted the events of her morning. She felt the tension leave her body instantaneously upon the image of a certain professor, smiling from beneath her, entering her mind's eye.

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