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The week seemed to crawl at an excruciatingly slow pace. She followed her daily routine wishing each time she woke that the calendar would read 'Friday.'

Henry's routine with Roland was starting to solidify and things were going more smoothly for him. The first few days were tough, but he was adjusting. And when he was handed that hefty paycheck at the end of the week, it would all be worth it.

Regina found that she was awake and ready much earlier than ever before. Leopold would be pleased, assuming she'd reorganized her schedule to accommodate the firm. In reality, she walked with her son to the Locksley's every morning anticipating the elevator she would share with the man she adored so much.

Tuesday morning she was especially excited. She felt more rested that night than she had in months, although her muscles ached from their evening of romance and lovemaking. She woke early enough to stretch them with some yoga in the living room before taking her shower and readying herself for her day.

Down the hall, Robin awoke to the pitter patter of his son's tiny feet skipping into the master bedroom. He smiled when the boy jumped into his bed, giggling when his father tickled and hugged him. He hoisted Roland up into his arms and carried him to the kitchen to prepare their breakfast before making his way into the bathroom.

"You almost ready?" Regina called to her son from the front door. She stood with her hand on the knob, purse and coffee in hand. She looked down every so often to check the time on her phone. Henry hurried down the hall to meet her, a piece of toast between his teeth and his backpack in his hands as he struggled to pull the zipper closed. She chuckled at the sight, taking his bag from him and zipping it so he could quickly finish his breakfast.

"How are you ready before me?" He asked, swallowing a large mouthful on bread as he spoke. Normally he'd be scolded for that, but Regina was in a particularly good mood so she let it slide. She shrugged in response to his question as she handed him his bag and opened the door to make their way down the hall.

Robin and Roland sat on the couch in their living room reading together while they waited for Henry to arrive. Their lunches were already packed, backpack and briefcase set side by side near the door. The sound of knocking had Roland jumping off his father's lap with excitement and rushing to answer the door for his 'best friend.'

"Henry!" He shouted as he stumbled to hold the door open and the older boy laughed at the sight.

"Look at you! All packed and ready like a big kid. Way to go, pal," he held his hand out and the child jumped to smack it in a high five. Regina beamed over Henry's shoulder, proud of him for being such a good influence for Robin's son.

"Good morning, Ms. Mills," Roland said politely, his head held high showing off his good manners.

"Why good morning, Mr. Locksley. A pleasure to see you again," she returned the greeting with a chuckle and reached down to smooth the hair atop his head. He smiled up at her proudly, his dimples appearing on his cheeks that reminded her so much of his father's.

"I apologize again for coming home so late last night, Henry," Robin said, approaching the door with his coffee mug in hand. "One of my students unexpectedly needed my assistance with an important assignment."

He peered over the teenager and locked eyes with his mother whose cheeks were a subtle shade of pink. He smiled at her and she returned the gesture before he returned his attention to Henry.

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