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June melted away as July rolled in, heat ablaze throughout the island of Manhattan that caused even skeptics to come to terms with Climate Change. The sun was brutal as it beat down on the hectic city, its inhabitants irritable during their sweaty commutes.

The morning of the Fourth, Regina was hard at work preparing her food for the potluck. She decided on a pasta salad: whole wheat rotini, sweet red peppers, cubes of provolone cheese, and sliced black olives coated with robust Italian dressing. She'd put together a small Tupperware of a gluten-free version using tofu pasta for Robin, unsure of what he'd actually be able to eat at the barbecue.

She had to admit, she missed waking up with him each morning. After sleeping next to the person you love, it's never quite the same without them. But their children had returned and they needed to be responsible.

Henry had gotten himself up and ready, showering while Regina finished the pasta salad. She'd been up, dressed, and ready to go for hours. She was anxious about the party; more importantly, who would be attending.

Her son came gliding into the kitchen searching for a small snack to hold him over. He'd opened a few cabinets before deciding on a granola bar and went to the fridge. He stopped when he spotted a banana and decided he'd eat that as well, then poured himself a generous glass of almond milk. Before he took his seat at the counter, he wrapped his arm around his mother's shoulders with a smile and said, "I'm really proud of you."

"Of me? What ever for?" Regina smirked and placed her hand on her son's hip.

"For going to this barbecue. Ya know, since things haven't been so great with Emma. But I'm glad you're going anyway. Maybe you can fix things," the boy offered. He liked seeing his mom happy and thought if her and Emma were friends again, things could only get better.

Before Regina could respond, the apartment door swung open revealing two very excited, festively-dressed Locksley men. Roland wore American flag sunglasses with bright red shorts and a white short-sleeved polo; she couldn't contain her smile when he looked that incredibly adorable. Robin was sporting a pair of khaki shorts and a red polo, patriotically colored boat shoes on his feet and a case of beer in each hand as his contribution to the potluck.

"Happy Independence Day, fellow Americans," Robin said happily in his best American accent. Everyone laughed in response and Regina shook her head pretending she didn't enjoy how silly he could be. He approached her suddenly, after putting the beer on the floor, and lifted her into his arms. They spun around the kitchen, Regina giggling in surprise and Robin humming the tune to 'Grand Old Flag' because he didn't know all the words. He stopped humming and said, "To the potluck we go!"

"Robin, put me down! I have to grab the pasta salad," she said, still laughing as he hoisted her higher to hang over his shoulder.

"Negative, milady. Roland: pasta. Henry: beer," he ordered playfully. The boys saluted before grabbing the designated items. "Go on now, men! We haven't much time! The British are coming! The British are coming!"

They hurried out the door and Robin closed it behind them. Regina huffed in surrender, giving in to the reality that he planned to carry her all the way to the rooftop.


They took the elevator to the top floor, using the staircase for the remaining distance to the roof. Henry held the door open as Roland entered apprehensively with his father following close behind, Regina still hanging over his shoulder. He placed her down gently, but kept his arms around her waist.

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