Cabin Fever

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Robin cancelled his classes for the rest of the week and called the school to keep Roland home. The child was shaken up and needed some rest. John must have phoned their parents because they checked in a few times a day and even offered to fly to the States. He told them it wouldn't be necessary, but perhaps they could stay longer over the Christmas holiday instead.

Regina continued to go to work, but allowed Henry a day off from school to collect himself; she knew what it was like to need a 'mental health day' and this definitely qualified. Technically speaking, she should have taken one herself, but she was able to clear her mind of worry for the few hours she spent at the office.

"Is Roland okay?!" Mallory came rushing into the brunette's office the minute she arrived that morning, coffee in hand and various bags draped over her shoulder.

"Yes, he's fine. A little flustered, but he's fine," she replied. She was surprised when her friend pulled her into a tight hug, but appreciated the gesture.

"Oh, thank God. Emma called me this morning and said she was working on the case. Something about Henry calling her in a panic and she wouldn't let anyone else handle it," she said and both women sat down.

"Yeah, I told him to call her before I ran after Marian. She was the first person I could think of and I know she handles the Special Victims cases. David Nolan was the arresting officer though."

"I heard. It was a good thing he was there and had some knowledge of what was going on," the blonde stated.

"It was a relief. He just took brief statements from us so we could get Roland home as soon as possible. The poor thing was a wreck," Regina sighed and put her head in her hands. She was exhausted from lack of sleep the night before and just thinking about the incident had her feeling anxious.

"I already put in a phone call to her probation officer. He was furious and said there was no way she'd be getting out before Roland turns 18. They may ask you all to testify at her trial, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

"I expected as much," she said. The whole situation was incredibly overwhelming, for everyone it seemed. But she had an idea that might do her and her family a lot of good. She looked up at Mallory and added, with immense gratitude in her voice, "Thank you. For everything. I really owe you one."

"I told you, it's on the house. Just as long as Roland is safe now. That's all that matters," she smiled and took her leave to start her own work for the day.

Later on that same afternoon, Regina dialed her mother in Spain. It was times like this where she really missed Cora. It was tough always having to put on a strong face to keep her family from falling apart, but she didn't have to do that with her mom.

"Regina, darling. I'm so happy to hear from you," Cora's voice sung from the other end of the phone.

"Hi mom," Regina said, sadness and exhaustion clear in her tone.

"What's the matter, dear?"

"Can Robin and I bring the kids to the cabin this weekend?"

"Of course. Is everything alright?" The concern in her mother's voice grew with each word she spoke. It only made Regina wish she were here even more.

"We could really use a break from the city for a few days," she sighed before telling her mother exactly what happened, breaking down finally and feeling so free in doing so.

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