Extra Credit

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With finals week approaching at Columbia University, Regina and Robin had barely been alone together. Their daily walks to the subway remained and they had managed another dinner date, but within the hectic weeks of grading countless thesis papers and creating final exams, he was exhausted.

Regina knew how busy he was and never took his absence personally. The Locksley's frequented Apartment 13 for evening meals during those two weeks, but she couldn't wait to get him alone.

The weather was getting warmer with each passing day, the first signs of summer evident in the appearance of flip flops and the arrival of fireflies at sunset. The Commencement Ceremony took place on a beautiful Saturday morning in Central Park and Robin couldn't have been more thrilled; the semester was finally over. He submitted his final grades, congratulated the graduates, and devoted the remainder of the weekend to rest.

He decided to continue to pay Henry for his walks to and from the elementary school with Roland, but discontinued Monday nights; with the exception of this Monday. He wanted to clean out his office for the summer when the university was empty and quiet; no one to interrupt him with pleas for extra credit he felt they didn't deserve.

Regina was aware of his plan and took full advantage of it. She stopped home briefly after her workday to freshen up and immediately made her way to campus. She was excited to see him without youthful, curious eyes constantly upon them.

She had visited his office just one other time when they met for lunch the week before. It was the only opportunity for them to see one another that day because he would be caught up submitting his grades all night. She surprised him with a falafel burger, a Middle Eastern patty made from ground chickpeas, that he had devoured within minutes. His officemate, Belle, was there and although she was a sweet young lady, Regina was disappointed she had to share her time.

This time though, she knew he would be alone. And when the building came into focus she felt her heart pounding against her chest. She didn't realize just how much she missed him until that moment and it only increased her anxiety. She picked up her pace, nearly running, and pulled the large, glass door open with great force. She focused on her breathing, a smile growing wider on her face as she approached her highly anticipated destination.

She paused before it now, running her fingers along the nameplate screwed into the face of the wood: Dr. Robin Locksley- Professor of English Literature. He was just on the other side and all she had to do was turn the knob. And after knocking softly, amused at the sound of his frustrated groan as he announced it was unlocked, that's exactly what she did.

"Regina," he sighed, relieved to see it was her and not a student or colleague of his there to bother him with nonsense. "What an unexpected surprise."

"I'm sorry to bother you, Doctor Locksley. Do you have a minute?" Her sultry voice was like fire in his veins as he watched the way she stood against the doorframe and locked them inside.

No bloody way, he swallowed hard, wiping the sweat that began to form on his brow.

"Of course, Ms. Mills. What can I do for you?" He asked, taking her lead.

"I received my final grade for the semester and I hate to admit, it's not what I expected," she took a slow, seductive step forward. She reached into her bag and pulled out a piece of paper. She continued moving forward, her hips swaying subtly under the light trench coat that was wrapped around her body.

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