Out With the Old In With the New

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It was an emotional morning to say the least. Once things had settled down and the living room was clear of scattered wrapping paper and open boxes, Regina drew herself a bath. Normally, she would prepare a beautiful breakfast for her family and she'd been particularly excited to have Robin's parents over to join them, but after he revealed his gift, she needed some time to herself.

She was submerged in the water, lavender scented bubbles completely surrounding her. Her body was motionless, but her mind was racing.

He's perfect. How is that possible? She wondered to herself. Wherever you are Daniel, I hope you can see how happy this man makes me and that he worships your son as much as you did.

She allowed more tears to escape her, although she wasn't sure she had any left to cry by that point. He wasn't envious of her love for the father of her son; he was fully accepting of it, he encouraged it. That was what made him honorable in her eyes.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Come in," she choked out, clearing her throat and sitting up when Robin entered.

"I just wanted to check on you. I hope our gift didn't upset you in a negative way," he said, sincerity in his voice as he sat on the closed lid of the toilet to face her.

"Not at all," she replied with a gentle smile and reached her hand out to him. He took it instantly, placing soft kisses to her wet knuckles. "It was just very overwhelming."

He nodded, understanding her reaction more clearly. "My parents just arrived for breakfast. They agreed with me about Daniel's piece, my father especially. Mum is curious to know where you'll hang it."

"I'll have to reorganize the living room so I can put it there. It should be on display," she decided.

"I couldn't agree more," he smiled against the top of her hand.

"Where did you hide it?" She questioned, amused that she was so curious about that. It was sneaky. The canvas was too large to hide in either of their apartments without her noticing.

"In the storage closet at the end of the hall. Gold left the key with the doorman for me once I picked it up from the museum."

"Is that what you talked to him about on Thanksgiving?" She leaned forward, stunned by his ability to successfully pull this off. He simply nodded to confirm her statement and she smirked.

When she was decent, Regina joined the family for breakfast. Roland steered most of the conversation toward his gifts and all the big plans he had for learning how to ride his bike at the first sign of Spring. While the boy rambled on and on, she remembered she had a gift for the Locksleys under the tree. She stood from the table and picked up the gift bag with their names on it.

When she made her way back over to her family, her children had commandeered her chair as a creation station for their latest Lego masterpiece. She shook her head and was going to remain standing before Robin pushed his chair out and patted his thigh, signaling for her to cuddle into his lap. It seemed so inappropriate with his parents around, but she realized that was such a juvenile way of thinking; they were adults and he was only trying to make her more comfortable. So she accepted his offer and sat gently atop his thigh, his hands holding her immediately; one around her back for support and the other resting on her knee.

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