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Regina stormed into her apartment in a fit of rage. She noticed the empty Tupperware containers spewed across the island that she never got to put away when Robin carried her off to the party.

That stupid fucking party that I knew would end like this! She released a frustrated groan, growing in volume as she swiped her arms across the counter. The sound of plastic crashing to the floor satisfied her somehow. She wanted more of it. More of the chaos and the noise. Anything to keep her out of her head. She opened and closed kitchen cabinets with a 'bang,' kicked over the garbage can, overturned furniture, knocked books from the shelves, until finally she opened the window of the living room and stuck her head out, screaming at the top of her lungs.

It was silent then. She felt like she could breathe for the first time since the horrid sound of Robin's knuckles cracking the bones in Graham's cheek. Right on cue, the man of the hour came hurrying into the apartment, causing her shortness of breath to return.

"Oh, Regina. I--" he started to run toward her, but was cut off when she raised her hand into the air.

"We went to the party. Are you happy now?" She asked with an angry grin.

"Don't say that. Of course I'm not happy," he sighed.

"You got to eat good food, drink some beer, and you even made new friends just like you wanted. Are you satisfied?" Her sarcasm was clearly evident in her words.

"Come on, Regina. We can talk about this--"

"No, Robin. I'm going to talk and you're going to listen. Based on your performance on the roof, I think you're done running your mouth for the day," she snapped, her voice cold and harsh. Normally she would be upset for speaking to him in such a way, but not then; not when she was so angry she could feel it in every tense muscle of her body.

He finally understood what Henry was talking about when he watched Regina's temper flare. She was terrifying: the way she stood her ground and straightened her posture, looking down on you even if you were taller. It forced him to sit on the couch, feeling exceptionally disappointed in himself.

"How dare you, Robin Locksley? How dare you allow yourself to set such a despicable example for our children?"

I am so bloody screwed, Robin thought to himself as her words came out clear and concise, over-annunciating each syllable to emphasize just how serious this was.

"Our sons now believe it is okay to hit another person if they are being offended. They are justified in using violence during a disagreement now because of your actions."

"It was the honorable thing to do," he stood his ground. He truly felt that it was. And to be fair, Regina only seemed to be upset with him for doing it in front of the kids. Who cares if Graham's face is broken? As long as the boys didn't see.

"Where is there honor in striking a man, Robin?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing. It was almost appalling as much as it was utterly shocking that he felt justified in his actions.

"Where is the honor in allowing a man to speak disrespectfully about a woman? And not just any woman! My woman!"

Regina's eyes widened and he could tell he'd said something wrong. She spoke her next words so slowly and from a place deep inside her soul; she was serious and she was furious. The vein in her forehead stuck out when her face turned to a harsh grimace as she said, "I am not your possession."

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