Operation: Imagine

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Regina sat in a booth between Mallory and Jefferson at a nightclub around the corner from Enchanted Plaza. They'd already spent a few hours there and her friends were tipsy, nearly drunk really. They'd talked about Robin and what happened with Emma, then the duo began reaching around her to flirt with one another and that's when the brunette decided she'd had enough.

"I think I'm going to head out," she stated and stood, trying to slide over Mal to exit the booth.

"No! Stay here with us! We're having so much fun," the blonde hugged her, her cheek pressed into Regina's ass.

"I've had enough fun for one night, dear. Stay with Jefferson and have a good time. Just remember to use a condom," she joked and wiggled free of the woman's grip. She kissed her cheek, which was pink with embarrassment, and waved to the man on the other side of the table. She turned to add, more seriously, "Be safe."

The feeling of the warm night air in July against her face was oddly refreshing. There was a faint, gentle breeze blowing just enough to push her hair away from her cheeks as she walked home. She checked her phone every few minutes, like she'd been doing all day, subconsciously waiting to hear from her lover.

But she knew he wasn't going to call her. Or text her. Because she'd asked him not to.

She sighed as she put her phone into her pocket and turned onto Madison Avenue. She glanced over at the park entrance, imagining walking along the path to the university or the pub with his strong, firm hand around her delicate one. She wondered what he was doing, where he was, who he was with...

I really miss him, her heart ached. I'll call him tomorrow. I don't need time. I need him.

She rushed back to her apartment, wanting to fall asleep so tomorrow would come sooner. When she reached the entrance to Apartment 13, a flash of white caught her eyes. Hanging just below the number on the door was a piece of paper, words printed on it from a computer:

'You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one'

You know exactly where I am. I hope you'll meet me. I'll be waiting. - R

Regina covered her mouth with her hand as she read the note again. She ran down the hall, not even bothering with the elevator, as she sprinted down the stairs. He was waiting for her. And she couldn't let him wait another second.


Regina stopped running when she reached her destination. Her breath was heavy, her heels in her hands as her bare feet pressed into the pavement. She listened, she waited. It was dark, the lack of light from the broken streetlight above her making it impossible to see. She pulled out her phone and turned on the flashlight feature, pointing it in front of her.

That's when it happened. That's when she saw it: Robin standing over the peace sign mosaic in the concrete, the word 'Imagine' just in front of his toes. He was holding his guitar and didn't say anything. Instead he sang:

Something in the way she moves
Attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she woos me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how

Something. One of her favorite songs. His voice was perfect, singing along to the sounds of midnight in Central Park. He skipped to the bridge of the song:

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