Rush Hour

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"And then the aliens crashed into the building and it collapsed, but Superman saved her just in time," Roland exclaimed, retelling the adventure he created in his room with action figures and countless Lego blocks.

"Oh Roland, I'm so glad Lois Lane is safe. I don't know what Clark Kent would do without her," Regina said. Her tone was slightly condescending, but she wasn't trying to belittle his story in the slightest. She rather enjoyed it as he told it to her and she remembered all the times Henry would do the exact same thing at their dinner table.

Robin cleared their plates with a smile, remaining quiet as he did for most of the meal. He seemed to be observing his son with such affection as he interacted with Henry's mother so effortlessly. The two got along swimmingly, not much of a surprise to be quite frank. She knew all about the things seven year old boys liked considering she'd raised her own son who shared similar interests with Roland.

The little boy carried most of the conversation throughout the meal. Robin and Regina didn't mind one bit. After their discussion on Poe and the Romantics, they both seemed to be uneasy about venturing further into other topics. They weren't feeling awkward, per say, but there was definitely tension; sexual tension driving them, mostly.

Robin was attracted to her, there was no doubt about that. If not simply by her incredible body or captivating features, it was her mind that reeled him in. The way she was able to converse with him about literature was quite possibly the sexiest thing he'd ever experienced with a woman before. She never dismissed an opinion, but she was more than willing to share her own accompanied by a detailed explanation to support it. If his students were able to interact that way during his lectures, the room would be spinning with enthusiasm and knowledge.

He found himself looking forward to more discussions and debates, not picky about a topic as long as he was catching a glimpse into her brilliant mind. He grew excited imagining heated talks about Presidential elections, the Theory of Evolution, and even who they would choose to win the ultimate battle between Batman and Superman. He thought about arguments he couldn't wait to have with her and the passionate way they would make up, matching the intensity of their tiff with their bodies.

Regardless of whether she knew it or not, Robin wanted to learn everything there was to know about Regina Mills. He never felt so strongly about another person in his entire existence. They were connected in some way, there was no sense in denying it. Could it be fate? Perhaps, if this were a fairytale. But whatever it was, he felt it and he was willing to follow it straight into her heart.

Regina entered the kitchen where Robin was deep in thought, scrubbing the dishes in the sink with greater force than was necessary. She watched him for a moment wondering what was on his mind. She allowed him the space to think, however, not willing to start another conversation that might end in tangled sheets, bodies entwined, hair disheveled, breath uneven...

She downed the rest of her wine, placing the glass gently on the counter and letting the bitter liquid flow smoothly down the back of her tongue. She really needed to go. Henry would be home soon and she couldn't afford to get caught up in another stimulating conversation with the Ivy League professor.

The sexy professor, she bit her lip as she drank in his appearance. What I wouldn't give to do a little teacher/student foreplay with this man. What? Snap out of it, Regina. Not the time or the place. But he really is beautiful. Beautiful? Yeah, I suppose that could describe him. Charming, dashing, brilliant. Right in front of me.

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