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Memorial Day came and went, Regina and Robin having survived their first argument. Although some might not consider it one of substantial weight, they were proud of the way they handled it. They actually spent a lot of that same day discussing their various world views and ensuring they remained levelheaded and open-minded. They learned a lot about each other because of that tiff; they were grateful for it.

During the second week of June, Roland was due to leave for his second year of summer camp. His bus was expected to leave very early that Monday morning while Regina would already be at work so she planned a special farewell dinner for him the night before. You would have thought it was his birthday or Christmas morning based on his excitement.

She allowed him to choose the meal for the evening: baked macaroni and cheese, or 'macaroni pie' as he insisted on calling it. She pulled out her gluten-free cookbook, one she'd bought specifically with Robin in mind, and went shopping for the ingredients that morning.

Her apartment was filled with joy and love, the two couples coming together to create one family with each passing day. Robin and Henry sat on the leather sofa discussing The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, his summer reading assignment, while Regina and Roland were hard at work preparing dinner.

The little boy sported an apron, perfect for his size, that Henry used to wear while assisting his mother in the kitchen. She matched in her own apron as the elbow noodles boiled on the stove. She helped him grate the cheddar cheese before he insisted on doing it himself. She allowed him to, appeasing his growing need for independence, but kept a close eye on him. She strained the macaroni in a colander over the sink before spreading it into an aluminum pan. Roland dumped the cheese into the pan as she stirred in the milk and butter to create a liquid cheese sauce. She handed him the homemade gluten-free breadcrumbs she'd prepared (mostly various seasonings without a wheat base) and he sprinkled it across the top. He watched her carefully place it on the highest shelf of the already preheated oven and set the timer.

Regina had promised him a surprise treat for dessert. Unbeknownst to him, the apple turnovers were already put together and residing in the fridge waiting to be baked during their supper. The two worked together to tidy up their mess as they anticipated the sound of the timer signaling the completion of their creation.

"Regina," the boy began to speak as he wiped any leftover cheese from the counter into the garbage pale. "Are you my step-mom?"

"Technically speaking Roland, no I'm not. But is that how you see me?" She asked, curious as to what sparked this conversation.

"No. Step-moms are evil. They don't make macaroni pie with their stepsons," he replied matter-of-factly and Regina chuckled. His next comment pulled at her heartstrings, "I wish you were my real mom. I know you're not, but sometimes I like to pretend you are."

"There's nothing wrong with pretending, dear," she smoothed his messy hair and placed a gentle kiss atop his head.

"Plus, that would make Henry my big brother and that's super cool," he said, grinning innocently. Regina nodded with a sad smile, shifting her gaze to the intellectuals still deep in conversation on the couch. The timer beeped and she turned her attention back to their meal.

"Alright boys, go wash up," she announced, pulling the hot pan from the oven and placing it on the stove to cool. When Roland raced Henry to the bathroom, she took the opportunity to reset the temperature on the oven and slide the tray of apple turnovers inside to be baked.

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