Too Good To Be True

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The rest of the week was much better for Regina. Her smile returned, she had more energy; Robin even convinced her to run with him in Central Park on the weekends. The month of January went by faster than it had in nearly 15 years.

With the end of the month approaching, it also meant her birthday was near. She never cared much for celebrating, but this year brought happiness and excitement. She wondered what kind of romantic surprises Robin had in store and couldn't wait for the adorable creativity that was bound to occur between her sons.

February 1st fell on a Saturday which meant everyone would be available the entire day to spend it with her. That's what she was most excited about. Robin had been busy with the start of the spring semester at Columbia and Regina was swamped at the office. Other than evening meals, the family hadn't spent much time together since the picnic with Daniel.

After work Friday night, she was pleased to find a pizza party waiting for her, hosted by her three favorite men. Henry put together a playlist of all her favorite songs while Roland created handmade party hats for each of them and a special crown for the birthday girl. Robin was divvying up the slices amongst the family who ate together on a blanket in the living room.

She hugged, tickled, and laughed with her children, feeling more alive than ever before. He watched her being the silliest he'd ever seen and, although he didn't think it was possible, he fell even more in love with her. Regina surprisingly suggested they play freeze dance and took the handheld remote for the speaker to control the game. They played for fun, no one getting out if they messed up. And it truly was fun.

Robin's cell phone rang from its place on the charger in the kitchen. He kissed her cheek and insisted they continue without him as he took the call in the master bedroom. She lifted Roland into her arms and spun him around like Superman, attacking Lex Luther-played by Henry- in a group hug. She kissed each boy before going to check on her lover.

She stopped when she noticed he was on the balcony, pacing back and forth as he listened intently to whoever was on the other line. She took a few steps forward, but remained hidden from his view so she could hear.

"Yes, tomorrow," he said, pausing so the other person could speak. He nodded, "It's all been arranged?"

Regina smiled, realizing he was discussing some sort of birthday surprise. She should have walked away, but her curiosity was at its peak; she already knew this much so why stop there?

"I do hope so. The children seem to believe she will be thrilled," he laughed, rubbing the hair on his chin. "Eleven is perfect. Thank you again."

Regina left the room before he could spot her as he hung up. She returned to the game just in time for him to rejoin the party. Throughout the rest of the evening she observed him. She couldn't help wondering what sort of tricks he had up his sleeve. But whatever it was, she knew it would be perfect.


Robin awoke around ten the next morning to the sounds of their sons tip toeing around the common area. He smiled, knowing they were already preparing for the surprise for their mother. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, stretching his arms over his head before rolling over and wrapping them around his partner. She hummed through a smile, still somewhat asleep as she pulled him closer to her for warmth. He placed gentle kisses on her bare back, still exposed from the way he pleasured her the night before.

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