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Robin stood in the doorframe in the hallway of the third floor of Enchanted Plaza, barely dressed in only his gray slacks and overtired from their all-nighter. The rest of his belongings were held in a disorganized ball in his arms as his head leaned against the wood. Regina was on the other side of the open door in her silk robe and her arms crossed in front of her. Her eyes were itchy from her contacts and she couldn't wait to wake herself up with a shower.

"Go get some sleep, Robin," she said softly.

"I still don't understand why I can't sleep here," he pouted and she chuckled.

"You should be home when the boys wake up. I'll be awake so bring them over for breakfast whenever you're all ready."

"Can't I have you for breakfast right now?" He closed the distance between them, his forehead leaning into hers.

"Tempting offer, but I'm afraid not. I have to get busy cooking for our growing boys," she sighed and placed her hands on his cheeks to get a better look at his face. "And you need to take your walk of shame now before Henry wakes up and you are forced to do it in front of a very temperamental teenager."

"Excellent point, love. It'd be best to avoid explaining that one to him at all costs," he chuckled. "I'll bring them by around nine."

Nine was perfect. It was just after six at that point. It would give her enough time to remove her contacts and get some drops in her dry eyes, rest (quite possibly sleep) until eight, and get a proper shower before they arrived for breakfast.

"Nine it is. I'll see you in a few hours," she smiled, looking forward to sharing a meal with their sons. She wondered what she should cook and made a mental note to remember to set up the folding table and chairs they used whenever they had guests.

Robin pulled her from her thoughts with a tender kiss on her lips, she smirked as she returned the gesture. He stepped back and hesitantly turned toward his apartment. She almost had the door closed before she heard him calling after her. She poked her head out into the hall to hear what he was saying.

"Don't forget to call Jefferson about having Grace over tonight," he reminded her, just as she asked him to a few short hours ago.

Regina smiled and mouthed the words 'Thank you' before blowing him a kiss and shutting the door. He sighed and shook his head, the feelings developing for this woman growing stronger in his heart.

He tried to figure it out and give himself any logical reason as to why he was falling for her so quickly. Nothing came to him. Nothing that made sense, anyway. The only thing he knew when he opened the door to Apartment 8, was that he couldn't wait for breakfast.


Nine o'clock was quickly approaching. Luckily, she'd been able to close her tired, itchy eyes for an hour before having to get a start on her busy Saturday.

She stood in the kitchen, hair wet and braided back from her recent shower, and held open the cabinets to decide on the breakfast menu. As much as she wanted to throw on her silk pajamas or a pair of her ridiculously comfortable yoga pants, she slipped on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a plain black v-neck so she wouldn't have to change her clothes for dinner that evening. She wore her apron over top for good measure to be sure she wouldn't have to change.

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