A Room With a View

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It took the family two weeks in between work and school to pack both of their apartments. There were boxes piled all over the place, but Regina was sure to mark them accordingly. She was undoubtedly organized. The night before the big move was a difficult one for her. She'd started her career, raised her son, and fallen in love in Apartment 13. This was a new start for her family, but this was where it all began.

She stared out at the city lights through the sliding glass of the balcony door, dressed in panties and her Rolling Stones band tee with her hair in a loose ponytail and her glasses resting on the bridge of her nose. She spotted only one single star in the night sky, but for all she knew it could be a plane landing at JFK or LaGuardia. No stars in the sky; tomorrow it would rain. She never liked the rain. It always made her worry; bad things happen during storms. She kept telling herself that this was a good thing and they'd only be a few stories up, but this room and this place was home to her for 15 years. It'd be hard for anyone to let go.

"We packed all the wine glasses so the plastic cups will have to do for tonight," Robin said as he entered with two red Solo cups.

The children had been asleep for nearly an hour by then, the couple using that time to finish packing any last minute items. There wasn't much left in the bottle of red wine on the counter so he decided it would be easier to pour it for them now than pack it to go up a few flights of stairs; one less thing for them to worry about. He noticed her standing there, lost in her thoughts, looking sexy as ever in her simple, comfortable nightwear.

"For you, my sweet," he handed her a cup and she took it, sadness evident in her features. "What's wrong?"

"15 years, Robin. It's hard to say goodbye," she sighed and sipped from her cup.

He put his arm around her and kissed her temple, staring out the window with her, "I know, love. But we can have 15 years of new memories."

"I'm excited. I really am. It's just," she paused and he waited, knowing this was probably the hardest thing she'd have to do. "Henry learned to walk here. He said 'Mommy' for the first time in the bath. I soothed fevers and nightmares in this room. This has been our life, this apartment. I never imagined I would have to leave it."

"You don't have to," he offered softly. She looked at him and saw the sadness appear on his face as well. She felt guilty; he was doubting her or rather, he believed she was doubting their decision. "I sprung the apartment on you. I should have asked first. I just thought it would be better; we'd have more space and the kids would have their own rooms. But I'll understand if you're not ready."

"I'm ready, Robin," she placed her palm on his cheek. "Just feeling a bit nostalgic, that's all."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely," she replied with a soft smile.

They sat together on the bed, drinking their wine and talking about the day ahead of them. Regina felt better, more sure of herself, as they spoke. She knew she'd be okay. Her family would be happy and so would she.


The alarm went off at eight the next morning, signaling the start of their busy day. The couple groaned, huddling closer to one another for warmth. The sun didn't peek through the curtains that morning as the rain fell from the dark, cloudy sky.

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