Death by Chocolate

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"Did you know about this?" Regina turned to face him, her eyes bright with joy.

"Not much. I was just told not to open the box or eat the ice cream that were temporarily coexisting in my kitchen," he said, both of them laughing.

"I can't believe he did all of this."

"I can," Robin said with a shrug. "I told you, Regina. The lad would do anything for you."

"I see that," she dragged her finger along the icing and brought it to her mouth for a taste. She moaned, much like she did during sex Robin noticed, when the chocolate made contact with her taste buds.

"He's not grounded anymore, is he?" Robin stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her waist, infatuated with her as she indulged.

"Oh no. He's still grounded. I don't give in to gifts, no matter how good they taste. But I suppose he can have his phone back tomorrow," she said. She paused for a moment as a thought came to her. "Can you remind me to call Jefferson in the morning? I'll surprise Henry by having Grace over for dinner. Maybe I'll even make lasagna."

"You're going to make lasagna without so much as an invitation for the Locksley men? How incredibly rude," he pouted, his lower lip extending out and the corners of his eyes turning down with fake sadness.

"You're right. How could I be so inconsiderate?" She laughed and placed a simple kiss to his pouting lips. "Would you and Roland like to come over for dinner tomorrow night?"

"Unfortunately, we must decline. We have a prior engagement," he teased and she smacked his chest playfully. She dipped her finger into the cake again and lifted it to her lips, another soft moan escaping her. "I'm growing incredibly envious of that cake. Apparently I'm not the only one that can urge you to make that sound."

She hummed a chuckle as she licked her lips. She used the same finger to gather more icing and wiped it on his lower lip. She tilted her head forward, licking it before pressing her mouth around his, nibbling and sucking the last of the chocolate from him. He felt his knees buckling at the sensation, a growl-like noise resonating from the back of his throat.

His eyes filled with desire, his urgency wild and animalistic as he rushed to kiss her lips, neck, collarbone. Regina breathed out, heavy with anticipation. He was on his knees in front of her now, hiking her dress up to her torso to get a look at the lace panties he was sure she'd worn just for him.

He stopped abruptly, swallowing hard when his arousal began to saturate the fabric of his boxer briefs from the sight. He shifted his gaze up and saw her looking down at him biting her lower lip with a knowing smirk.

"Surprise," she whispered.

Regina wasn't wearing panties; no lace thong, no sexy hipster from Victoria's Secret. Nothing. She'd been completely exposed under that dress throughout their entire date and he only found out now.

He growled again as he nibbled on her thighs, squeezing her firm, bare bottom tightly in his grasp. He moved up her legs toward her hips and traveled to her center. She sighed and was more than willing to cooperate when he urged her legs open, his tongue reaching for better access to her sex.

He straightened his spine lifting one of her legs and placing it so the bend in her knee rested comfortably in the crook of his neck. He looked at her then. Really looked at her. Pink lips, freshly waxed, wet and ready for him. He was eager to please her, yearning to hear her cries of satisfaction from his ministrations.

He wasted no time with teasing. He was hungry for her. No, starving. He pressed his tongue flat against her entrance and moved slowly up to her clit. She whimpered as he repeated his actions and shifted her leg more securely around him, careful not to scratch him with the heel of her shoe.

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