Operation: Apology

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After Henry left to take Roland to school, Regina couldn't bring herself to stand from her spot on the couch. She knew she had to meet Robin at the elevator, but her body was frozen. Her face was blank, no clear emotion in it, but that was always exactly how she liked it.

She couldn't bring herself to cry. This wasn't like the last tantrum. She understood that he was upset with his boss and not her, but her heart still stung from the argument. He never spoke to her that way. Ever. He never dared to. But today he did. And Regina had no idea how to feel about it.

Knock, knock, knock.

Regina was lost in her thoughts. She wanted to answer the door, but she couldn't move. It wasn't Henry, he would have just walked back in. She knew who was on the other side, but she wasn't ready for him to see her like this.

When is anyone ready for this, Regina, she thought.

Knock, knock, knock. "Regina, I know you're in there. Please let me in," he said, his face pressed close to the door while he spoke.

Tell him it's open. He'll comfort you. Somehow he'll find the words you need to hear. Or just hold you until you're yourself again. Let him see you. Open up to him.

"Regina, please. I understand if you want to be alone right now, but just say something so I know you're alright," he pleaded. He was worried about her.

When was the last time someone worried about you, Regina? Don't hide yourself from him. If anyone deserves to see you, it's Robin.

"It's unlocked," her voice cracked, perhaps from pushing too hard when she snapped at Henry or maybe the emotions she was bottling up were stuck there wanting to escape. She cleared her throat trying to push the feelings further inside herself, where they were safe.

She watched the knob turn as the door slowly opened. He stepped inside and placed his briefcase on the floor, looking first into the kitchen and then to the living room when he finally spotted her. He shut the door and walked to her, kneeling before her, taking her hands in his.

"It's a bit too soon for that, don't you think?" She said, the sarcasm clear in her voice. He looked down, confused by her comment, but released a breathy chuckle when he got the joke: his position resembled a proposal. Regardless, he didn't move. He wanted to see her face, be close to her, let her know everything would be okay.

"I'm sorry," he said, his smile dropping and his eyes reflecting a sincerity she didn't quite understand.

"You've done nothing wrong," she stated.

"And neither have you," he retorted and she looked down at their hands, her thumb rubbing circles over his knuckles for comfort.

"But I put you in this position when I chose to pursue you, even after I learned you were Henry's mother. And for that--"

"Please," she cut him off, closing her eyes to hide the pain. "Don't apologize for wanting me."

Robin understood that perhaps an apology was not the right direction. She was right. He wasn't sorry for wanting her and chasing after her. He was just, for the first time in his adult life, at a loss for words.

"I hope he wasn't rude to you this morning," Regina said, worried about her son even through her own pain.

"He was a perfect gentleman," he replied, catching her by surprise.

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