The Full Monty

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Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Is that the door?" Regina asked.

"Probably the kids jumping about above us," Robin said dismissively.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"There is definitely someone knocking," she stated.

"So let them knock, Regina," he said, kissing her neck enticingly. "Stay here with me. We can do some knocking of our own."

She hummed and leaned into his touch, their naked bodies dripping wet from the water falling from the shower head. And he did look impossibly sexier when his muscles were wet. She pulled his face hard to hers in a passionate kiss, deciding he was right. Whoever it was would go away eventually.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Oh bloody hell," Robin groaned, dropping his forehead on her shoulder knowing Regina wouldn't be able to ignore it.

"I'll be quick," she stood up on the balls of her feet and pressed a peck against his lips.

"I'll be quicker," he said, grabbing hold of her hips suddenly and turning her, pushing her back against the cold tiles of the shower wall. She laughed and then bit her lip as he stared down at her, hunger burning in his eyes.

"I don't want you to be quick," she whispered seductively, leaning up and biting down on his ear lobe.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

He moaned and clenched his fist as he backed away so she could step out of the tub. Regina stood on the mat in front of the shower, not even bothering with her towel as she reached for her robe hanging on the rack.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.

"How many knocks does it take for someone to get the hint?" She murmured to herself as she hurried down the hall. She pulled open the door in a frustrated huff and scoffed at the sight before her.

"Regina! There you are," Neal exclaimed.

"Finally," Emma said shaking her head.

Emma Swan was the definition of a NY cop: tough, blunt, and ready to help others, regardless of the risk. She had long blonde hair with loose waves when it wasn't pulled back into a tight bun for work. She favored tight jeans and v-necks, never leaving her apartment without a leather jacket.

She was Regina's neighbor in the apartment just a floor below her. They'd met quite a few times when Henry was 11 and had run away. At first, Emma was the officer on duty when she got called to Apartment 13. She offered Regina her phone number and told her to call or knock on the door any time. And the brunette definitely did.

They became fast friends when Regina made apple turnovers as a 'thank you' for helping her find Henry time and time again. They'd meet together for lunch if the officer was Uptown or go to the movies every once in a while. They saw a lot less of each other in recent weeks; mostly due to her promotion to detective and their blossoming relationships with Robin and Neal. But the distance started even before that, because of the incident with Graham...

Regina stood in the doorframe with her arms across her chest, her hair dripping down her back under her robe. "Detective Swan. Mr. Cassidy. I would say it's a pleasure to see you, but I'd be lying."

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