Feast of the Crocodile

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Regina and Robin wrapped themselves in the quilt as they lay close to one another by the fire. The crackling of the wood grew quieter with each round of their lovemaking until finally burning out. The room was still, the couple having moved from their spot on the floor to find warmth and comfort in the cozy bed.

They faced each other, arms wrapped tightly around the waist of their lover as they lingered in the intimate beauty of their comfortable silence. Eyes met in deep, loving gazes as exposed bodies pressed tenderly together. It was Robin who spoke first, the vulnerable atmosphere bringing out the honesty in him, "I've been seeing a psychiatrist."

"I think that's wonderful," she replied with a supportive smile. "Do you think it's been helping you?"

"It's not really a formal therapeutic experience or anything. He's a colleague of mine at the university who was kind enough to lend an ear," Robin shrugged before continuing, "But he's been rather insightful."

"I'm proud of you," Regina stated. "It's very brave to open yourself up to another person like that. Especially to a colleague."

"He told me I'm inconsiderate toward myself. What do you think?"

"It doesn't really matter what I think, babe," she said. "That's something you need to discover on your own."

"I know, but I'd like to know your thoughts," he responded and waited as she decided whether or not to speak.

"I wouldn't say you're inconsiderate. At least not intentionally. You're just the kind of person who puts others before yourself. So you end up pushing your own needs aside."

"Archie also said you're the greatest thing that's ever happened to me," he fibbed as a way to flirt with her.

"Well, now we know he's credible," she smirked, earning her a laugh from the Englishman. "Did Archie also say you should fix that hole you punched into my wall?"

"Ah ha. He did not," he rolled so he was above her, his lips mere centimeters from hers. "But I believe you just did."

The couple laughed as they connected in a deep kiss, bodies rolling heavily in the sheets as limbs coiled around one another. They made love more than they slept that night, but neither one regretted it the next day-or ever.

The weekend was a complete success for all involved. Robin and Regina were able to rekindle their flame, Henry embraced his inner child and freed his worries with the time away from the city, and Roland was finally able to sleep through the night without nightmares of being kidnapped.

After hours of skiing and snowball fights and countless cups of hot cocoa, the family returned home to Enchanted Plaza early Sunday evening. The boys worked together to complete some last minute homework before crawling into bed for the night. The couple closed out the weekend with one more blissful encounter before allowing sleep to claim them.

The early weeks of November zipped by as Robin prepared for midterms and Regina was faced with a troublesome copyright case for a composer. Thanksgiving neared, now only a day away, as she hurried to get herself to work that Wednesday morning.

"Tamara, I drew up those documents a week ago! Why were they never faxed over?" She barked into the phone as she pulled her black slacks on. Robin, classes out of session for the entire week of the holiday, did his best to assist her out the door that morning. He heard her arguing with her assistant on the phone, something she did quite often since their return from the cabin, and took it upon himself to brew her coffee.

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