6. Curiousity

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The sound of the fountain is comforting and I get lost in the twinkling colours that shimmer through the water when the light hits it. I scrape the charcoal pencil across the paper and roughly draw the outline of the beautiful figures that are drawn together in a passionate dance. Though the sculptured fountain is static, the figurines hold an energy about them that is unavoidable. I love it, for it is like the element of passion in life and in love. This is my new favourite piece of art, and I let my mind wander, conjuring up a history and story for this dancing couple. I hear someone approach but I am not that interested and with any luck they will just pass me by.

"Did I offend you Clara?"

He says quietly as he sits down on the ledge of the well, a few feet from where I have settled myself crossed legged with my scraps of paper. I glance up and feel my eyes widen I was not expecting him and he looks genuinely concerned. Why on earth would he worry himself? I shake my head furiously and try and find my voice;

"No of course not, I...well I just wanted to come out here and get some fresh air."

"You left in such a hurry, Oliel is worried that we frightened you off," Thranduil says softly with that lopsided smile, that would be very sweet if it were not for the deep and vein like scars that prevent him from actually forming a proper smile.

"No absolutely not, you both looked like you needed the privacy and I did not want to intrude," I ramble and Thranduil raises his hands and shakes his head.

"No Clara, no it is nothing like that, please do not get that impression that is the last thing I need being spread about the Kingdom," he pleads and I frown at him. "Oliel is an honourable elleth from a high ranking family, if she got caught up in some misguided rumour I could not live with myself."

"Um," I pause and feel rather awkward, "I was not implying that I thought you two were...you know...that close. I just meant I am a stranger and it would have been rude of me to stay."

"Oh!" He stands up straighter and opens and closes his mouth like he is grasping for the words, or looking for a way to take back what he said.

I let out a soft laugh at his embarrassment and attempt to rectify the situation for him;

"You know even if that were the case, and I know it's not so don't worry, it is actually none of mine or anyone else's business."

"Correction Clara it is the business of every elven Kingdom this side of Arda, I am a prince there are different rules for me and I have already shamed this family once," he mutters and a flash of anger crosses his features.

"Like I said it is none of my business," I smile at him and return to my rough sketching, trying to hide the intrigue his comment has stirred in me.

"You really know nothing about me do you?"

I sigh and drop the pencil, before looking up at him with an impatient look. Seriously what is with the inquisition? Why is he intent on following me around? Am I his new play thing; the shiny new toy that is keeping him entertained! I don't know much about royalty and nobility but I do know this much - people like him don't talk to nobodies like me, unless they're bored or feeling charitable.

"No your highness I don't, I really don't so please stop fretting!" Is my honest reply, for if I have learnt anything in the past few months it is that reality is much different from the garnished and idealist world of fiction.

He sits back down on the ledge and leans toward me, his eyes probing, and the one clear eye so intense and so deep that I momentarily lose my train of thought.

"Thank you," he finally murmurs and I cock my head to the side in confusion, he smiles and clarifies his statement, "For not caring, most elves in your position would be clambering to know more about my past indiscretions, so thank you for not being the stereotype."

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