24. Blessings

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As the night lingers on Thranduil and I do not keep up conversation but instead flit between long lingering kisses, to quiet moments of tenderness. In these times we seem to marvel at the strength of our bond, tracing each other's features and savouring the feel of our individual spirits. Eventually though, I succumb to a pleasantly numb sensation, and I am happy just to be held by my lover.

I lie with my back against Thranduil's torso, my head still using his outstretched arm as my pillow. If this is uncomfortable for him he never complains. He has his free arm draped across my shoulders and he soothingly trails his long fingers up and down the length of my arm, tracing little patterns on my skin. His lips are pressed against my ear and I feel his gentle breath blow prickles on my skin.

The two of us have been drifting in and out of restful states but I can tell he is awake now, awake and wanting my attention. I refuse to relinquish my comfortable position or give in to his demands, even though it is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore how his skin moves against mine. I shiver involuntarily as he lightly traces a pattern over the sensitive skin at the crook of my elbow. His soft laugh is enough to alert me that he knows I am awake, and that I am just pretending to ignore him.

"I am cold," I lie in defence of the shivering and in my attempt to stay in my snug position curled into him. In response to my complaint Thranduil stretches over me to haul the heavy woollen blankets up over us. I laugh out loud when he practically pulls them right over our heads creating what could be considered a cocoon, and returns to cradling me against him. Only this time he wraps his arm tightly around my upper body and buries his face into my neck making me twitch as his hot breath tickles me.

"Is that better?" His question comes as a muffled whisper from my neck and I burst out into a fit of giggles. I twist around in his arms to look at him as he lifts his head and gives a victorious grin;

"Alright you have my attention, what do you want?" I sigh and shoot him a disgruntled look. His smile widens as one of his hands starts to creep along my curves and he leans into me seeking out my lips. "No!" I cry but relent and let him steal a gentle kiss from me. I lift my arm up and stretch it behind me to pull his head closer to mine as the kiss lingers on for a little bit. When I pull away I groan at the all too familiar look in his eyes; "Thranduil you are insatiable! I can't go again!" I laugh and turn away from him to bury myself in the pillows, but he scrambles after me refusing to let go.

"No, I did not mean that!" Thranduil teases and easily seizes me in his grasp again because I am clearly no match for him. I eye him with a disbelieving look which only intensifies his smirk. "Well I would be lying if I told you the thought did not cross my mind."

"So what are you after then?" I ask and throw my arms around his neck as he continues to kiss and nuzzle me playfully. I suppose he could change my mind but I feel sort of fluttery and light. My mind is hazy and my limbs are weak from exertion, but in a good way, it is an enjoyable sensation.

"I want to show you something," Thranduil answers with the most mischievous glint in his eye that it just makes me snigger. "What?" he questions with a baffled look.

"I think I have seen everything there is to see!" I laugh outright and my titters only increase when I see a slight pink hue colour Thranduil's face and neck. With a soft chuckle he buries his face in my chest for a moment before peeking up at me with an exasperated look.

"I was serious Clara," he warns playfully and leans forward to place a kiss on my forehead. "Stop lowering the tone."

"Okay I am being serious," I giggle and then try very hard to school my features into an intense and serious stare. Really I am just trying to copy Thranduil and by the baffled look he gives me he doesn't quite get the look I'm going for.

To Live Again {Lord of the Rings/ThranduilXOC Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now