9. The Trouble with Royalty

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"Ahh stop I am going to be sick!" I shriek in a fit of giggles as Legolas and I spin in fast circles in the middle of the lounge.

What innocently started as a playful dance has escalated to a competition to see how fast we can spin each other before someone falls over. Mostly it is Legolas but I kind of believe he just enjoys the spinning until he collapses sensation. Right now I am that dizzy I think my supper is going to come up my throat, but my plight does not concern Legolas as he squeals for me to 'do it again!'

"Legolas! Please!" I pant and clutch my head, swaying on my feet a little, but he just giggles uproariously and attempts to spin again.

"Oh no you don't!"

Thranduil sweeps across the room in a movement so fast I am not sure if it was even discernable, and to Legolas' complete and utter shock, wrestles him into his arms and forcefully spins him around at a much more alarming rate. The child howls with delight and attempts to wriggle out of his father's iron grip but it is useless and so comical to watch; as Thranduil effortlessly flips and twists his son like he weighs no more than a bag of sugar. I literally cannot stand upright from my fits of breathless laughter and the fact that the room is still spinning, so with as much grace as an elephant I drop to the ground on a pile of scattered cushions, which had been used to build a fort a few moments previously.

"You three are going to break my lounge!" Oliel cries defeatedly from the table, wine glass sloshing about the air as she dramatically waves her arms in gesture.

"Technically it is my lounge, and stop fretting Ollie if we break something I will fix it!" Thranduil laughs carelessly, as he continues to crush a deliriously happy Legolas to his chest in the best bear hug I have seen.

"Clara!" Oliel shouts and gives me a disapproving glare, I bite my lip and pull a cushion in front of my face; "My name is Oliel not Ollie! You are corrupting the minds of everyone I know; even Legolas calls me Ollie now!"

"But it's cute," I snigger from behind the pillow and then peek my head over the top just to make sure she isn't giving me the evils; "It suits you."

"I second that!" Thranduil manages to say in between blowing raspberries into Legolas' neck, the child is practically emanating joy but is slowly but surely wriggling his way out of his father's arms - determined little beggar that he is!

Oliel sighs and shakes her head; "Well Ollie has to go visit her Adar, and tell him she no longer goes by the name he blessed her with!"

"Aw!" I frown, "Do you have to go?"

"Yes do you have to go Ollie?" Legolas grunts as he successfully wins the struggle with his father, and Thranduil collapses on the ruins of our cushion fort, clearly more tired out than his son.

"Unfortunately I do little one," she sighs and accepts a hasty cuddle from him, before he whips back across the room and dives on his father, knocking the breath from him and engaging him in another wrestling match! Heavens above where does he get the energy from, Thranduil is going to pass out before this little monster does.

I scramble to my feet and rush to give Oliel a hug and walk her to the door, both of us a little giddy from excessive wine consumption and on high from our banter filled supper. She promises me she will be back before dawn and warns me to have the place spotless before she returns. I dismissively wave off her comments and then race back to the much more entertaining activity that is playtime with Legolas.

For another thirty minutes are so we wrestle with him, we have a pillow war, and we even dance, well correction Legolas and I danced while Thranduil practically took an aneurysm form laughing that hard at us. Eventually exhaustion caught up with the kid and he happily dozed off in his father's arms, still with the hint of a smile playing on his lips. It still intrigues me how elves sleep with their eyes open, at first it freaked me out but it seems so normal now, and I as peer into Legolas' silvery blue orbs glazed with sleep I believe I can almost sense the joyful dreams he is reliving.

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