18. A Beautiful Beast

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"Thranduil I'm fine stop it!"

I huffily slap his hand away from my face and scowl quite petulantly at him. Ever since our return from the human village he is terribly concerned that I will develop an infection. Apparently elves can get sick- I do know this after all I oversee the provision of our own hospital - but I doubt our super reinforced immune systems are susceptible to mere mortal infections. I personally believe he is being a tad dramatic with his sweeping statements of the uncleanliness of men, and in his words; 'Only the Valar know what I could have been inflicted with?'

He has forbidden Legolas to ride with me or be within a three foot radius of me, and I am basically under quarantine until I can get a "proper" bath. It is quite hilarious to watch, even Oropher is amused by the whole thing. He keeps shaking his head and making pointed statements regarding Thranduil's sanity. Basically Thranduil is acting slightly hyperactive, he reminds me of one of those obsessive compulsive clean freak stay-at-home-dads. Legolas is just plain baffled but is satisfied to bend the ear of his eternally patient Grandfather with all his curious questions for the remainder of the trip. Whilst Thranduil insists on riding beside me and watching me for the slightest change in my delicate form;

"You would tell me if you felt unwell?" He asks in quite an accusing voice and eyes me with a certain amount of suspicion.

"Yes!" I cry and shoot him an exasperated look; "They were men Thranduil - not vermin - stop being so dramatic."

"You look a little flushed," he mutters and observes me with a probing gaze that leaves me a little fluttery. He should not be able to evoke such reactions with just his eyes it is completely unnatural and entirely unfair! I feel rather defenceless, I need a super intense stare, and then I could do the same to him and see how he likes it!

"I am flushed because firstly you are staring at me," I say and point my finger at him; he just smirks and sadly drops his gaze.

"I apologize it is a habit," he mutters, "The only way to out a liar is too challenge them, I am satisfied you are not lying to me." He confirms with a breezy devil may care voice and lets his eyes roam the horizon of the sparse wild road before us. I will admit it is a little uncomfortable to be away from the protective coverage of the trees I already miss home. Thranduil slides his less intense gaze over me and asks in a lighter tone; "What is the second reason?"

I cock my head thoughtfully to the side and consider my answer. We haven't really talked much in depth about what happened in the village. Oropher was contemplative about my actions; he did praise my quick responses but did remind me I was slightly reckless with my behaviour. Although he seemed in agreement that aid should be sent to Lord Thorald, and actually sacrificed one of the guards to return to the realm to organise this. Yet I cannot help but think he was not surprised by my actions or at least less surprised than Thranduil evidently was. Thranduil was a little confused as to why I was so moved by a mortal child and her elderly grandmother. He assumes I am just very innocent and easily moved by the pain of others, he admits to being a little hardened towards the pleas of men. He has lived through and seen first-hand much of the pain they cause.

"I guess I am still a little shocked by my outburst at the village," I eventually say and glance at him with a timid smile; "I am not usually so confrontational."

"I agree, you are not normally so vocal," Thranduil nods solemnly in agreement then breaks into a teasing smile and raises his eyebrow at me; "Though I do vaguely recall an incident were you sharply reprimanded an injured prince, do you remember?"

I snort at his pointed comment and keep my eyes trained on the road ahead as I speak; "Said prince was being a royal nightmare with his self-pity and bad attitude."

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