10. A long awaited Spark

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"Clara! Oh my goodness Clara look!"

Oliel is twirling in giddy circles as she dives through my bed chamber doors, I shriek and wrap the towel tighter around my body, does she ever knock?

She brandishes a bouquet of colourful tulips and I gaze curiously at them;

"Where'd you get them from?" I ask innocently and she sighs dramatically.

"They are for you!" she practically sings and drops them into my arms; "Captain Aradan had one of the guards deliver them here just a moment ago, he wanted to let you know he will collect you at sunset. Oh is this not just so incredibly romantic!"

"Um Ollie, we are just going dancing, it is not like he is proposing or something?" I giggle and place the flowers aside, they are very pretty and I am rather touched, how very thoughtful.

"Oh hush up, you are ruining the vision in my head," she mutters and starts rummaging through the pathetic contents of my wardrobe dispensed on my bed. "Clara what are you going to wear?"

"I don't know," I sigh as I stare into a mirror and mess about with my hair; "Something from that pile anyway."

"I simply will not have it!" Oliel shouts and I jump.


"You will not wear these rags, you are the guest of the Captain for the evening and I want all the elves to notice you - not him!"

"Well I don't have anything that is that daring?"

"But I do."

And with that Oliel exits the room and returns moments later with a dress. I attempt to ask her where she got it but she shakes her head and refuses to answer me. Instead she shoves me down on a chair and sets about working her magic on my hair and skin. She proclaims that in her hands I will steal the show, and I don't know whether to be excited or terrified by the prospect.

After a few hours of pampering, brushing and no small amount of bickering I am ready, and not just Clara ready, but Oliel perfectionist ready. She guides me to a floor length mirror within her own immaculate chambers, admittedly making me feel guilty for my slightly disarray bedroom, and twirls me in front of it.

I gasp at my reflection, because truly I don't think I have looked so...so...incredible before? The gown is made up of two parts; a shimmering silvery underdress that catches the light, and over the top of this is a high collared, almost peacock in colour, fitted gown. The sleeves of the outer gown come to my elbow, were the long and trailing sleeves of the silvery gown poke through and fall down my arms to the floor. It is buttoned and laced in all the right places, and daringly low cut, or at least for elves. And my goodness what a cleavage it gives me! I mean I realise I have a healthy rack but hello, where did these come from?

My hair is loose except for the upper half which is gently pinned back from my face, accentuating my long neck and making my face more visible. Oliel has also woven some small blue flowers through my hair, which just complete the look entirely.

"What do you think?" she grins triumphantly at her handiwork.

"I think you are gifted Oliel, and I think I am in love with you!" I cry and she gives me a befuddled look. "Never mind, but I do love it thank you so much."

"Anything for my Clara," she smiles and hugs my shoulders. "Now come on it is after sunset Aradan will be here soon."


I feel very nauseous and a little freaked out. I forgot how much I don't do social gatherings, I forgot how I am a bit of an idiot and socially dysfunctional. However Aradan has been nothing but a supreme gentleman or elf, is there such a term as gentleelf? I think I shall just have to invent it.

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