15. The Forest Prince

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I study the silver ring, snaking around the index finger of my right hand - this the correct place to put an elven engagement ring. Thranduil had been very perplexed when I tried to put it on the ring finger of my left hand. Though I was too busy sobbing and nodding incessantly, for him to think anything of it.

He had laughed in between happy tears and corrected my mistake without another word. He kissed me, and I practically assaulted him in return, knocking him to the ground in my passionate enthusiasm. We laughed and we kissed, and I cried some more like the incredibly composed creature that I am, until I was utterly spent. All my emotions just leaving me pleasantly numb.

Now I lie upon his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart and I know I am home. What I thought was impossible is now within my grasp; the love of another and the makings of my own family. My heart is finally open and for the first time in long years I am truly happy. I now know that contentment is possible. Still there is the fear of the future.

Oropher spoke of the dangers of the outside world, but for tonight they are not real. Here under the protection of the great wood, with a host of stars flooding this place in glittering hopeful light, I am not fearful and can dream of the happiness ahead. We lie like this for hours and drift in and out of peaceful dream states, it is not until the sky turns grey and the first of the birds begin to herald in dawn, do Thranduil and I make our way back into the sanctuary of the caves.

Thranduil leaves me to my chambers and with a chaste kiss he reminds me he will come by later in the morning with Legolas. We intend to take him out into the forest and spend some time with him; Thranduil wants to tell him today. He also will inform his father too, this left me feeling a little nauseous but he told me not to concern myself with it, he will handle that situation and I am quite happy to let him. Once alone in my chambers I take my time to bathe, and slowly put myself back together again after a grueling few weeks. I feel much better when I emerge from my room, clean, tidy, and reenergised. Oliel is the first to find me humming to myself in the garden, as I quietly sup a cup of sweet tea.

"Well everything must have played out quite well!" Oliel exclaims as she joins me with her own tea cup and gives me a delighted grin; "That smile on your face tells me all I need to know!"

"Not everything," I tease and let my gaze flit about the garden, I have no intentions of giving away my secret just yet.

"What do you mean?" She frowns and shuffles closer to me, suddenly wide eyed and curious. "Oh Clara what disgraceful behaviour did you pair get up to?" She titters and shakes her head in an all too obvious way.

"Well we did have some fun," I confess and slowly outstretch my right hand casually as if I am observing my nails; "but nothing that bad, I've told you before, he is frustratingly in control of himself."

"Then what are you being so coy about?" Oliel plonks her tea cup down and eyes me with a not so impressed look.

"Guess?" I grin at her dismayed expression.

"I do not know? Oh stop teasing me!" She cries and gives me a wide eyed pleading look, which melts my resolve.

"Oh I don't know," I sigh and bring my right hand up to my face to push a strand of my hair behind my ear. I catch how her eyes pop when she clocks the ring, "It really is not a big thing but-"

"CLARA!" Oliel shrieks at new record levels, she is so loud that I jump back several feet.

"Ow! My ear Ollie...my actual ear! Good grief I'm deaf!" I complain and note that yes indeed my ears are ringing.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" she chants, still at a high pitched keen, that I believe only dogs could hear; "Let me see!" Forcefully she yanks my right hand to her face and diligently examines the ring. I giggle at her mannerisms because quite frankly she learned this behaviour - and language - from me.

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