25. The Warmth of Family

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"Legolas, look at me," Thranduil points a warning finger at the petulant looking elfling, who is watching us with a bored expression. "What did I just say?"

"I have to be good and polite and quiet, because there is a baby," he sighs and rolls his eyes, like he is sick of hearing the same old rant. Thranduil nods and grips his hand before he can start running at full pelt along the winding pathway that leads to Gilron's home.

"And you stay where I can see you," he warns again and Legolas blows out a very exasperated sigh, but seems content to amble along at our leisurely pace.

"Well, this is a novelty," I say, grinning happily up at the handsome visage of my husband. Truly, I can't get used to applying that title to him. Maybe when it is all official, it will feel easier. At the present time, it still causes me butterflies.

"It is," Thranduil replies, with an almost apologetic voice. We haven't enjoyed such freedom in such a long time, that it feels bizarre to be casually visiting friends. Thranduil sighs and lets his shoulders sag, before giving me a pleading look; "I intend to thoroughly enjoy this evening. You will not hold it against me if I have to crawl home?"

"No, you have worked hard," I laugh and shake my head, because it is true, he deserves a night off. Also, by the sounds of the happy raised voices coming from Gilron's home, it would appear the inhabitants feel the same way. We don't even get to the doorway when the front door is crashed open and Aradan's overly confident presence greets us.

"At last! We thought you three were never going to get here," he laughs and kneels down to playfully spar with Legolas. I frown slightly, because I really wish they wouldn't encourage him, he is already far to obsessed with battles and weapons than he should be for his age.

"Good evening, Aradan. I see you have relocated," Thranduil smirks at Aradan, who simply rolls his eyes at the comment. I stifle a giggle and raise my eyebrow at my ever inappropriate friend, who appears to be well on his way to completely intoxicated.

"Yes, he practically lives here," says a softer voice, as Tinuben peers around the door and offers us a shy bow, "Good evening your highness, we are honored to have your family here with us."

"Please, Tinuben, there is no need for titles, we used to climb trees together," Thranduil chortles and pushes his way into the house, with Legolas and I in tow. He casually hands off his robe to the quiet ellon standing by the door, he looks a little hassled, but offers to take mine from me anyway. I oblige, but feel a little bad for him since he isn't a servant.

"If I recall, you used to tie him to the highest trees and leave him there," Aradan sniggers and Tinuben colours slightly around the neck. Oh, this is delightful, they used to bully this poor creature. Note to self- be extra nice to Tinuben.

"Did I? No, I would never be so wicked," Thranduil laughs and plants a heavy hand on the smaller, thinner elf, who visibly flinches and chuckles nervously. "If my memory serves me correctly, it was you, Aradan."

"Please, I am not as old as you lot," Araden snorts as Tinuben shuffles us into the light and airy living space, which opens out into Gilron's pretty gardens.

The smell of delicious food has me salivating on the spot. Gilron is such a fantastic cook, that I know I will put on several pounds just by smelling her divine cuisine. I can't help the small chuckle that escapes my lips as I take in my surroundings. It would seem Ollie and her mother have pulled out all the stops to ensure the house is fit for its royal visitors. Flowers are stuffed in every available space, all the fine china is on display, and the best wine and malt is decanted for our convenience.

"Clara! Thranduil!" Ollie cheers as she scuttles into view, carrying two overly filled wine glasses, which she holds out for us to take. "And Legolas, look at you! Guess what Gilron has for you?" she teases brightly and Legolas' eyes pop out of his head.

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