7. Off to the Markets

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Clara! Wait!"

I spin on my heel and laugh as Oliel races towards me, the hems of her terracotta coloured dress hitched to her hip, as she practically vaults over any obstacles in her way. I struggle to hold an impatient Legolas, as he strains forward and frowns at the thought of having to wait any longer.

"I am sorry I had to retrieve a list from Master Adan; he wishes me to pick some ingredients for him while we are at the market," Oliel apologises breathlessly when she reaches my side and waves a piece of parchment under my nose.

Adan is like the royal chef, in charge of all the kitchens in the King's halls and directly responsible for feeding the royal family themselves, because god forbid Thranduil ever have to cut himself a slice of bread! Adan is actually very scatter brained and disorganised, if it was not for Oliel's efficient and verging on OCD organisational skills, he would have been sacked long ago. In fact I would wager that if not for Oliel a great many things would fall apart.

She never stops, she is constantly whizzing around ensuring absolutely everything runs smoothly and to the letter, so his majesty never has to worry unnecessarily about silly mundane things. It is not often she gets a few hours to herself but today she has, and she has promised to show me the wonders of the elven markets...but of course Legolas must come too.

It took some persuasion, and the promise of the purchase of toy, to get him to be in the least bit enthusiastic about the trip. After all shopping is shopping in any reality, and it appears the presence of the male chromosome is still programmed to genetically loathe the idea of it.

"Can we go now?" Legolas whines and tugs on my hand.

"Yes but if you keep up that ridiculously rhyming you won't be getting any toy," I warn and he instantly stops his struggling, and transforms into a little lamb that skips by my side without complaint.

"They do have toys at the market?" I mouth at Oliel and she giggles and nods, linking my free arm with her own.

"So where is your Ada today little one?" she chirpily asks Legolas, he shrugs and looks to me.

"I think the prince is stepping up his rehabilitation," I reply but before I can say anymore Legolas bounces in.

"What is reha-lib-ation?" he enquires getting tongue tied over the words making both Oliel and I giggle in unison.

"Rehabilitation," I confirm and he attempts to say the word again but gets stuck so I decide not to push him. "I think it means he is training in a way that is designed to make him better."

Legolas smiles brightly, "That is good, Ada likes to fight, before he got sick he used to let me watch him! He is brilliant, I want to be just like him when I am older!"

"He let you watch?" I query a little concerned, I don't think that is the best parenting technique...violence should not be promoted.

Legolas nods and continues to act out how to sword fight, mostly it is just over active elfling imagination but it worries me. I know he is a little boy and toughness should be encouraged, but my heart actually hurts at the idea of him fighting or wanting to go to war. I am like a mother hen constantly clucking over him and wanting to retain his innocence, I don't want him to use swords, even in pretend!

"Relax Clara," Oliel squeezes my arm and smiles, "Elfling ellyn are expected to show these traits, particularly Legolas, it is how our world works."

Oliel has grasped that my faked memory loss means everything is a shock to me; she constantly takes it upon herself to advise me and gently ease me into my strange new world. Something I am deeply thankful for.

To Live Again {Lord of the Rings/ThranduilXOC Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now