13. More than a Lady

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"Alright Clara, try that again...and with less attitude please!"

With a sigh I attempt to "float," as Gilron puts it, up a flight of stone steps, in a gown that has more bloody layers than an onion! It has a cinched waist, which is apparently to make me aware of my posture, but in actual fact just cuts my lung capacity in half. It has a train, a train that is so stupidly long I keep stepping back and getting all twisted up in it! And shoes! With heels! I have been barefoot for months in this place, and at a push I wear boots, so why are heels introduced now? I never wore heels as a human because of the obvious deficit I had in co-ordination and motor skills, and mostly because I look awkward in said heels. As an elf I have better control of my balance, but I still look awkward as sin in heels - it appears here too you must acquire the ability to walk like a runway model, and no, apparently it is not something you are born with.

For the past fortnight in the run up to the feast I have been living and breathing everything Gilron says and does. She is my spiritual leader, my guru, my Yoda, and my fairy godmother, but she is also a tyrant, and so strict, and oh my poor hurting toes and mangled waist.

I have been working my socks off, metaphorical socks of course - if I actually had socks my feet would not be so crippled - to get this elf thing locked down. I have come to the conclusion that I may actually love Thranduil, and this scares me, mostly because of the overwhelming desire I have to be the elleth he needs. However I am absolutely certain I adore Legolas, he is my whole life, and I will not let him down! I will be the role model he needs to help him grow and develop, he needs an elleth capable of guiding him, and I sure as hell cannot be that if I can't live up to the standards of his society! I also am determined that, that she bitch, keeps her corrupted and dirty paws off my little ray of sunshine! Legolas will not grow up with that haughty attitude, he will not be that elf, Ithril will not have that hold over this family!

"Clara daydreaming is a lovely trait of yours, but not when you are working, up those stairs you go! Come now we almost have it!"

Gilron snaps me out of my dark thoughts and I square my shoulders and attempt my Everest.

I am supposed to float up the stairs, take a seat on the garden chair-come-pretend-throne and descend again. Not that I will be sitting on thrones, I just added that in there for the fun, well I had to learn to sit down properly and pretending I was Queen of the castle was helping spur me on. If Legolas was here he would be thoroughly enjoying himself, but alas he isn't and I kind of regret that. I need to keep this quiet though, I don't want Thranduil or Legolas knowing for a second. I am doing this for me, for my confidence and my self-worth.


"Oh alright!" I jump and set my finely shod foot on the stone step of Gilron's split level pavilion, this is her garden and close to the surface of the caves.

"Attitude my darling, it is fine with us but will not be tolerated in regal circles," she replies with a gentle smile - I cannot hate her even if I tried.

"I'm sorry," I grumble, "Right here I go!"

"How about that, attitude will not be tolerated by us or in regal circles?" Aradan pipes up from his stretched out position on the grassy bed of the garden, he is sunbathing or well just enjoying the bright light that pours into the large garden from the mouth of the cave.

"Why are you even here?" I snipe and he lifts his head to smirk at me.

"Because I enjoy entertainment and you are very entertaining!"

"Ollie!" I roar and she scuttles from the kitchen holding a teapot and eyes me questioningly. "Do something with him!"

"Clara focus!" Gilron replies and rubs her temples in frustration.

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