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The steady rise and fall of a broad and muscular chest, and the strong thud of a relaxed heartbeat is what stirs me from my pleasant rest. The grey light of early dawn filters into the bed chamber as a light breeze lifts and gently billows out the gossamer overhanging Thranduil's bed... our bed.

I smile contentedly as I nestle into the warmth of my husband's shoulder. It still feels bizarre to call him this, but I guess in time I will get used to it. Unconsciously, Thranduil's arms tighten around my back, as I lie quite comfortably on top of him. He is still sleeping, I can tell by the peacefulness of his fae, and I marvel in the stillness.

My acute hearing picks up the creak of floorboards, and I reluctantly ease myself out of Thranduil's grasp. He murmurs something in protest, but quickly resumes his dreaming state, I stifle a chuckle. Clearly, I have exhausted him! I hoist my silken nightdress above my knees as I crawl across the bed just in time to see the handle of the door turn, and a little fair head bob into view.

"What are you doing out of bed?" I whisper as Legolas sidles into the room clutching his blanket.

"I couldn't sleep," he grumbles and then pierces me with big blue pleading eyes. "Please, can I stay with you and Ada?" I giggle at his attempt at persuasion and nod in agreement, with a delighted grin he skips across the expanse of the room, clambers onto the bed and into my arms.

"Why can you not sleep?" I ask in hushed tones, as I try to gently pry back the blankets in a way that does not disturb his father. Thranduil is quite strict about the whole bedtime routines, apparently it took him a long time to get Legolas settled into his own chambers, and he doesn't want to encourage old habits. Personally, I see no harm in bending the rules occasionally, besides he hasn't seen much of either us in the past few days.

"I just couldn't," he huffs loudly and bounds up the bed to cuddle in between Thranduil and I.

"Hush, Legolas! Quiet, Ada is still sleeping," I scold and attempt to limit his wriggling.

"No, Ada is not sleeping anymore," Thranduil groans and rolls onto his side to regard the both of us with a sleepy frown. I mouth an apology whilst Legolas gives his best sweet and innocent smile.

"Please, can I stay Ada?" he pleads and with a defeated sigh Thranduil hauls back the covers and allows Legolas to dart into the warmth. He throws his arms around his father's neck and nuzzles into his shoulder, before whispering adorably; "I love you, Ada."

"Mhm," is Thranduil's curt reply, he knows full well he has once again been manipulated by his son. I giggle at the sight of the two, and happily allow Thranduil to tug me down to join the cuddle.

"You will soon be too old for this, Legolas," Thranduil warns weightlessly as he pinches the child's chin. Legolas giggles and begs his Ada to sing to him, and even I join in the pleading, because I love to hear his voice. It is husky and gentle, so melodious and comforting. By his own assessment, he tells me that he cannot sing well compared to the wonderful elven singers of the realm, he would just consider himself quite average. To me he sounds incredible, and I am always captivated when he sings tales to Legolas, but he just dismisses my praise with a laugh.

Thranduil caves to our demands, and spends the next hour crooning to Legolas. Eventually, in between stories and chatter, Legolas nods back off to sleep. With one hand, he grips a handful of my hair, and with the other he grips his Ada's hand. We take advantage of the peace to rest awhile longer, but eventually Thranduil speaks;

"Well, this just ruins my plans for an eventful morning," he grins sheepishly and I stifle a titter in response.

"The perils of parenthood," I reply and nod towards the slumbering elfling. "But he is getting older, soon he will not be one bit interested in cuddling with his Ada and Nana when he wakes.

"Hmmn," Thranduil muses and observes Legolas' little hand quite intently. "It frightens me how fast he grows, I would much prefer if he stayed this young."

"As would I," I add with a knowing look, "I don't know what I'll do when he starts learning to wield swords, and training with the other youth. I don't think I will cope very well at all, he probably won't even want cuddles from me then."

"Well, there is a sort of solution to that," Thranduil tells me in a very breezy tone of voice.

"Such as?" I enquire and arc my eyebrow.

"It is maybe a little early to discuss such things," he frowns and attempts to back track his train of thought.

"I knew it!" I tease and shake my head gleefully. "The minute Ollie dropped that baby in your arms, your eyes practically lit up with the idea."

"Oh, and the notion never crossed your mind at all?" he accuses and I duck my head into my pillow to hide my blush. He smirks at my tell-tale flushed cheeks and continues, "It was only a thought Clara, you know there is nothing more I want than to build a family with you."

"You know that is all I want too," I answer with a wide smile, because the thought of being able to have a loving family of my own is all I have ever wanted. "If you are suggesting having a baby, I wouldn't be against the idea."

"Such things are dictated by the blessing of Illuvator," Thranduil replies softly and stretches across Legolas to stroke my cheek, but a hopeful light enters his soft gaze.

"Then we shall leave it with Him to decide the proper timing," I say as I clutch his hand with mine and kiss his palm. My heart has already fallen in love with the idea, and I can't help the daydreams that are already taking flight in my mind.

"Yes, that is a wise deviation my love," Thranduil murmurs and sighs softly. "I told you we had many things to look forward to in our future."

"Do you really think it wise?" I murmur, trying hard to not allow the negative memories of yesterday's dark tidings haunt me.

"I would not even suggest it, if I did not think it was a wonderful idea!" he affirms and gives me a gentle look which warms my heart. He then yawns and stretches out to make himself as comfortable as is possible, with a sprawled out elfling taking up most of the bed. "Go back to sleep love, we have many happy years to plan such things."

And so I do, falling into hopeful dreams of a happy future, away from darkness or pain. I dream of a family, of laughter and the sounds of children playing. Things that I have always wished for, things that I desire with all my heart.


A/N well this is not the end my friends but I wanted to thank GG-Dreamer rose5607 Tammyt70 Ilove_LordofTheRings love_live_read_books Elf_and_an_agent @sysxhirxhnx
dreamer0   for commenting on the last few chapters, and for everyone voting and adding the story to your library thank you! Keep an eye out for Book II

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